Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Scientific Trinity

This is a continuation of yesterday's posting on The Trinity. In the 15th century, a Christian, Bishop Nicholas of Cusa, developed the first step that would be needed to connect a monotheistic God to life and the finite universe that can make life possible. This initial step would transform the Christian Trinity, which was taught by Jesus Christ at John 10:30, into a science. He took this step by transforming the symbols of this trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) into the scientific symbols (one, equality, and union). This step is shown in Part IIa of my book on The First Scientific Proof of God. There, I show that the three symbols, one, equality, and union, are the first three words that one must use if God is to be included in our scientific languages. This requirement is like voicing the first three integers with the symbols one, two, and three.

It took almost 600 years before I would find the second step. I present this step also in Part IIa. In the second step, I generate three new symbols. They are many, difference, and relation and are extracted logically from the first step symbols --- one, equality, and union. These three new symbols account for all things to be found in the universe. These six symbols are found only in the human mind. There, they allow our minds to connect God with His Intelligent Design and His creation.

These two steps, while separated greatly in time, can be expected to unify all religions and all sciences in the world. And, one can expect all nonbelievers to reconsider their decisions to reject God. Since these two steps clear the path to develop the one and true religion, the teachings of all religions must be restudied so that teachings are consistent with the new scientific Trinity.


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