Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More on Atheism, IV

In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned the long debate between empiricism and rationalism in Europe beginning in the 18th century with the Locke/ Leibniz interaction and Kant’s failure to reconcile these two philosophies. Unfortunately, this failure did not interfere with the work of those people who will eventually equate mind and brain. Today, such people will speak of ‘facts’ as proofs of evolutionary theory and do not use the scientific method of proof. These people will thus remain with Aristotle, whose philosophy would be rejected by the 14th century. Today, these people can speak only about half-truths and are blind of the wholeness of the world. These people have built today’s stock of atheists, who are unaware of symbols and the 1920 discovery

Fortunately, hybrid thinkers emerged from this debate through the work of Leibniz. These hybrid thinkers became today’s physical scientists who use the scientific method of proof and mind’s sensual and reasoning faculties faithfully. With only six symbols, they build a huge symbolic language that identifies hundreds of physical laws. However, these physical scientists became divided after the chemical atoms were smashed and revealed a new world of miniature physical particles. Some of these scientists became a new stock of atheists. This group rejected God while others held their belief in God.

Although I have proven scientifically that God exists in my book (The First Scientific Proof of God), I believe that God’s existence can be proven other ways. In my book, I propose that the half truths of the atheists be transformed into full truths by transforming the atheist’s physical world into a spiritual/physical world. First, I transform the universe into an ‘infrastructure of life.’ Then I add ‘life’ to the world and do this with spiritual atoms (Leibniz’s monads). Life becomes the spiritual aspect of the world. Knowledge about this aspect would become the subject of the life sciences. And, the infrastructure of life becomes the physical aspect. Knowledge about this aspect would become the subject of the physical sciences.


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