A Message to Open-minded Mathematicians and Scientists
Man’s scientific mind was opened with Abraham’s monotheism. It was opened wider with the Old Testament, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, and Jesus Christ. But, it was closed when Cicero installed Aristotle’s logic in the Roman courts. It was closed tighter when the Roman Church installed Aristotle’s logic in Christianity. This tightness created the non progressive Middle Ages. In the 13th century, the mind opened somewhat with the rejection of Aristotle’s logic. Then, mind was opened wider with the 14th century renaissance and the return of Plato’s writings. The mind was opened very wide by Nicholas of Cusa in the 15th century and led to the beginning of modern science through Galileo in the 16th century. However, the mind was closed tightly again in the 17th century with Newton’s Universe. It was closed even tighter in the 18th century when Kant failed to reconcile empiricism and rationalism. Mind began to open again with the 19th century mathematics. And, mind was opened widely, in the early decades of the 20th century with Einstein’s relativity and the linguistic discovery of symbols.
A monotheistic God creates and has no opposition. Since the S-curve is in God's Intelligent Design and in our world, the open-minded, natural, and closed-minded behavior are one in God. In our world, of created things, the S-curve must thus be in all created living things both necessarily and accidentally. Each person thus has a choice to behave with necessary manners or accidental manners. It should be obvious that necessary manners are expressed with open-mindedness and accidental behaviors are expressed naturally and with closed- mindedness. I thus conclude that (1) open-mindedness is a godly behavior,: (2) natural behavior is a behavior of growth, and (3) closed-minded behavior is like a piece of steel or stone and changes very little or not at all.
Today, the scientific mind of man is closed tightly because mathematicians and scientists have rejected God. This is a major mathematical and scientific error. Based on the way God creates, I suggest that mathematicians and scientists, who feel a godly behavior in their souls, consider a break away from the natural and closed-mindedness of their friends so that the scientific mind of man will remain open forever. See the prism in the pic as your mind and the two rays as two different ways a natural and open-minded can behave. What way are you behaving? It seems to me that some Internet websites have a tendency to close the minds of our mathematicians and scientists.
At 4:01 PM, Anonymous said…
Sorry, but I am having trouble understanding the title of your book: "The First Scientific Proof of God: Reveals God's Intelligent Design and a Modern Creation Theory".
Does it mean that the book contains a proof that reveals a) God's intelligent design and b) a modern creation theory? Or does it mean that the book contains a) a proof that reveals God's intelligent design and b) a modern creation theory?
At 6:01 PM, George Shollenberger said…
Hi phil,
Good question. But let me say first that my symbolic language on any subject could have flaws. I do not elevate myself above other people. I am merely ahead of some other people who decide to perfect their symbolic languages.
God's proof is ontological prior, in our minds, to God's intelligent Design. And, God's Intelligent Design is ontological prior,in our minds, to a modern crsation theory, which is where all things are found.
One must distinguish 'what is real' from 'what is in our minds.' The use of symbols are critical in order to distinguish real things in the universe from the models we use to hunt for real things in the universe.
Our mental models are never perfect. So, we must seek the perfect thing, which is God, with mental tools that are being improved continually. This is why the world has no end.
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