Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

More on the Horrible Dogmatic Partnership of the Physical Sciences, Life Scientists, and Medical Doctors

If you buy a book written by a physical scientist who is a member of this partnership, you will learn how horrible and dogmatic this partnership is. I came aware of this dogma when I read the book "God: The Failed Hypothesis" by Victor J. Stenger. As a professor at the University of Hawaii, he informs the reader how science shows that God does not exist. Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion supports this book. Sam Harris, the author of The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation and Mark Perakh, the author of Unintelligent Design; also support this book.

Frequently found in books published by members of this partnership are the terms (1) mechanism, (2) empirical science, and (3) statistical analysis. Such terms are used often by this partnership to show that God does not exist. But, a mechanism is only a theory, just as a thing-in-itself is only a theory. On the other hand; empirical science is not a science at all. However; statistical analysis might be useful because it lead one to path of truths. But, a statistical analysis is not a truth. So, Stenger is not always teaching truths.

Stenger tells us that Plato should not have accepted souls. He also ridicules Leibniz conclusion that God created a ‘best of all worlds.’But, Stenger says nothing about other ‘big thinkers.’ Nor does he discuss Plato’s negative and Plato’s Parmenides, which proves that God exist if God is monotheistic. Stenger knows nothing about the maximum knowledge found by Nicholas of Cusa, the true atom found by Leibniz, the transfinite numbers found by Cantor, and the things-in-themselves are found by Hegel. Things-in-themselves destroy the concept of a mechanism.

Interest is the first step to develop new knowledge. With interest, phenomena will soon appear. If a person finds hot phenomenon, that person can use Plato’s negative to assert that ‘in a hot thing, what is not-hot is the hot thing.’ With this assertion, the person is finding new knowledge because a new thing-in-itself has been identified.

Perhaps, each member of this dogmatic partnership should seek a divorce. Further, it seems clear that our colleges and universities must change their attitude about God.


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