Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Whatever Happened to the Soul?

People who believe in God and are interested in unifying modern theology and modern science should add the 1998 book "Whatever Happened to the Soul"(Fortress Press) to their library. (click) This book, which is edited by Warren S. Brown, Nancy Murphy, and H. Newton Malony, was supported by the John Templeton Foundation, an organization that recently published the newspaper, "Science & Theology News’ until 2006.

This book came out in the final years of the ‘Decade of the Brain,’ a special decade designated by the US Congress on March 8, 1989. Because of the discovery of the DNA structure, the hope of our atheistic US government was high. It expected the physical scientists to solve new crimes and solve many old brain problems such as Alzheimer’s disease. One of the discoverers, Francis Crick, said, " The idea that man has a disembodied soul is as unnecessary as the old idea that there was a Life Force." Today, DNA sent innocent people to jail and is not curing brain diseases.

This book provides considerable evidence that the mind and body do not form a thing that can be reduced to a physical thing. My book and my teaching on this website align to the thoughts of evidence of Brown et al. However, Brown et al do not seem to be aware of the emerging modern theology in the 15th century through Nicholas of Cusa. My writings recognize the 15th century emergence of modern theology. My writings also recognize the mind and body as two different things-in-themselves.


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