Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Theological Science and God’s Infinity

Abraham, a Jew who flourished early in the 2nd millennium BC, is the founder of monotheism. Monotheism is a belief in one God and rejects polytheism, the pagan belief in many gods and idolatry. The pagans rejected the Jews, who worshiped a ‘one and infinite’ God of whom they were ignorant. However, the symbol ‘infinite’ was initially defined by the ancients as something that can be divided infinitely. For instance, divide a foot ruler in half. Then, divide the six-inch ruler in half. Continue this process and the smallest ruler will never be found. Further, if something can be divided, but cannot be divided infinitely, the atom was identified and gave birth to the philosophy of atomism. So, the ancients concluded that an infinite thing is a variable, which can be divided either infinitely or finitely. This was the status until the 15th century.

In his 15th century inquiry into the maximum of knowledge, Nicholas of Cusa concluded that any inquiry must begin with a comparative relation. He thus concludes that the infinite, qua infinite, is unknown for it escapes all comparative relation. Accordingly, the meaning of the symbol ‘infinite’ changes from a variable to a constant (or a noun) in the 15th century. Friedrich Hegel and Georg Cantor agree with this change and also say that two infinities, a good infinity and bad infinity, are in practical uses. The good infinity is viewed as an attribute of God whereas the bad infinity is viewed as an attribute of finite things. The good infinity is applied to a perfect or complete thing whereas the bad infinity is applied to imperfect or uncompleted things. I use both infinities, when I connect God to the universe logically. I make this connection on page 6 of my book by saying that ‘all finite things are originated by an infinite thing.

Today, atheists are rejecting the connection I describe by submitting negative book reviews on my book to They take this position because they believe that the good infinity does not exist. Thus, they also reject the works of Cusa, Hegel, and Cantor. Among these atheists are many atheistic physical scientists and life scientists. Atheists also reject the existence of an ‘intelligent design’ of the universe and also promote the teaching of Darwin’s biological evolutionary theory in public schools.

People must decide whether the believers or non believers are correct because both cannot be true.


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