Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Theological Science and the Kingdom of Physical Science

Book reviews at tell me that physical scientists are seeking thought power by rejecting books that accept God. In the USA, I observed this greed for power in the 1950s when physicists sought power over the thoughts of chemists at colleges and universities. Then, in 1967, friends of physical scientists, the atheists, sought thought power and received it from the US Supreme Court. Today, the school of physics has already gained thought power over poor performing fields of thought such as natural science, evolution, biology, psychology, sociology, and medical care. So, the kingdom of the school of physics has been growing.

I think that this new power is not healthy for any nation. I think this way because it is clear that the field of physics is not performing as promoted years ago. Further, its new partners are also failing, And, many medical patients say that the medical system is becoming dangerous.

There is a reason for the low performance of the field of physics and the failures of its new partners. The reason is their rejection of God. But today, the rejection of God has become an irrational thought. Such an irrational thought will be found mostly in those people who do not follow the general thoughts of progressive humans. These people are unaware that the human mind is a thing-in-itself that can become conscious of all other things-in-themselves that God created. Progressive humans become increasingly conscious ever since man appeared on this planet. Those humans who do not pay attention to the work of progressive humans, which I call the ‘big thinkers’, will always express unusual or highly irrational thoughts.

I believe that the thoughts of today’s physical scientists and atheists are becoming increasingly irrational. For instance, our physical scientists do not want to know things and their attributes. Without developing knowledge of the different things we observe in the universe, we are not developing healthy nations.


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