Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Theological Science* and Ernst Cassirer, II

After presenting a scientific proof of the existence of God in Part I of my book, I turn to the subject of knowledge and our bodily tools of knowing, the brain and vocal tract. Without these tools, the consciousness of our Spirits could not exist. After introducing Ernst Cassirer and his historical research on mythical cultures, I discuss how Plato and Aristotle formalized the different ways of knowing. At the end of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance began, modern science emerged. But after empiricism and rationalism could not be unified by Kant and Newton’s Universe had to be rejected by Einstein, knowledge became a confused subject.

Of importance in the 15th century, Nicholas of Cusa concluded, with ancients, that we can approach divine matters only through symbols. On p. 39, of my book I report that Cassirer and many other linguists discovered, in the 1920s, that scientific matters can be approached also only through symbols. But, the 1920 discovery was not found until1941 by Susanne Langer. (See page 21 of Langer’s book --- Philosophy in a New Key. ) As of 1941, we thus knew that our brains and vocal tracts use symbols to develop the consciousness and the world of every human.

Obviously, symbols have many implications. For instance, the symbolic world of a criminal and an uneducated person is very different from a godly and educated person, Further, we are not animals who obey all laws of biology. Only dogs, birds, etc. obey all of them. While we need physical energy to move from place to place, we hold a symbolic form of energy in our thoughts and use them at will. So, the world in which we live is very different from the physical world taught or proposed by parents, religious leaders, physical scientists, life scientists, and atheists.

Every nation in the world is suffering from ignorance of the 1920 discovery. At this time the US government must act immediately to correct this awful error. Only the works of Ernst Cassirer and Susanne Langer are needed to retrain US government workers and US school teachers. Other nations are urged to retrain their people also. Modern scientists might also study Cassirer’s book --- Determinism and Indeterminism.


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