Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Theological Science* Reveals Theological Inconsistences in Our Thoughts About Monotheism, XII

In his 15th century writings ‘On Learned Ignorance,’ Nicholas of Cusa agreed with the ancients that the pathway for approaching divine matters is opened only through symbols and that mathematical symbols are suggested because of their certainty. With mathematics, he defined the maximum infinite line and found that this infinite line is also a maximum triangle and that this maximum triangle is a maximum circle and maximum sphere.

These maximum geometries are interesting. For instance, if a square is placed in a finite circle, this square can be projected into another circle precisely as long as the other circle is also finite. However, if this square could be projected into an infinite circle, the square would be all geometries such as circle, triangle, and sphere. So with geometry we can recognize the difference between a monotheistic God and the many different things that God creates with his intelligent design.

In the two examples above, we see that a monotheistic God is distinguished from all created things by the symbols, infinite and finite. Other opposites distinguish God from our world. For instance, in Part IIb of my book, I use the symbols, One-Equality-Union, to represent God and use the symbols, many-inequalities-relations, to represent our world. These symbols unify God and our world. So, I show that only a single world exists.

Today’s logicians do not understand how opposites can coexist. So, in their five reviews of my book (The First Scientific Proof of God), they say that my book is nonsense because it is filled with non sequiturs. I have more news for these atheists. In my 112/18/08 blog, I found ‘The Second Scientific Proof of God.'

When are U.S. logicians and life scientists going to rise above logic in their thoughts about ‘life.’ The thoughts of the atheists are inconsistent with monotheism.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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