Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXXVI (Reforming the Field of Religion, V)

Man’s symbolic languages are imperfect and can always be improved. Man must thus improve his symbolic languages continually because the human mind is formed with symbols, which make statements and lines of reasoning. So all documents formed with symbols can be misinterpreted.

For instance, people misinterpret the meanings of symbols found in Amendment I of U.S. Constitution. The symbols of interest say, ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, ...’ People who misinterpret this amendment say that these symbols mean that ‘State and Church are separated.’ This new meaning can change the way one interprets Amendment I. (Click), (Click), and (Click)

Things in our Union can be related but cannot be separated because the USA is a Union of things. John Locke’s social contract theory was used by the founders to create the USA. In the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence, the founders created Locke’s ‘Society.’ The remaining words in the Declaration authorize war against England. The founders created Locke’s ‘Government’ first, as the Continental Congress, and finally, as the Constitution. By creating Locke’s Society and Government, the Society had to give its self-governing Government Rights that it received from God. These human Rights were given to its Government in order to secure the Society in all ways.

The relations between State and Church are clearly defined by our founders The Declaration of Independence makes the Union a nation under God. Amendment I authorizes State and Church to develop one or more theologies but restricts the practice of theologies to Church. So State and God and State and Church are always related by our Union. Government can thus conduct research on God and share its research results with all religions. And all religions can also conduct research on God and share its results with Government.

Clearly, Society, Government, and Religion are unfamiliar with the nature of man’s symbolic languages and the way our minds develop different ‘persons, for instance, criminals. However, the U.S. government is not securing Sociery in all ways. Obviously our politicians do not understand Locke's social contract.


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