Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, June 01, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXXXXXII (A Nation Under God, XVIII)

In my last blog, I show that the trickle-down economic policy, which reduces the taxes of the rich class, does increase the wealth of the middle class. However, this policy is successful only at the expense of reducing the wealth of the poor class. This trickle down policy of the Republican party does not seem to work. I conclude that it does not work because it focuses only on the jobs needed to expand the ‘free market economy’ and does not focus on the jobs needed to expand the ‘State and local infrastructures.’ I argue that new infrastructures are as necessary in a nation as new products are necessary for a free market.

I voted for President Obama because he told the people that he will focus capital on the nation’s infrastructure by raises the nation’s debt. However, Obama will not use the trickle-down policy by flowing capital through the rich class, as the Republicans do. Instead, the capital will trickled-up through new jobs that expand the nation’s infrastructure. This debt will be paid off by taxes received from the people who hold the new jobs. This trickle-up policy, which is better known as the Keynesian policy, was also used by Presidents Roosevelt and Clinton.

Below the second pic below shows the Republican Party failures of the trickle-down policy installed by President Reagan and the two Bush presidents. It also shows the Democratic Party successes of the trickle-up policy installed by Roosevelt, Clinton, and Obama. (click) The first pic shows the nation's more recent unemployment. Red was Father Bush, blue was Clinton, and the purple was Father Bush's son. The third pic (click) shows the long history of the nation’s unemployment rates.


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