Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, August 28, 2009

Help Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea 100 + XXVIII (Intelligent Design, XIIb)

This blog is about a specific contribution of Susanne K. Langer (1895-1985 ) to man’s knowledge of God’s Intelligence Design. This contribution will focus on Chapter 1 of her 1942 book on "Philosophy in a New Key."

This chapter is a history about the political rise of empiricism over rationalism and the political rise of mathematics over science. These political rises led to the new idea of ‘fact instead of proof.’ These rises also led to the growth of atheism and materialism, and the prediction of the end of our world.

My working experience at the U.S. Department of Justice can add some new events to Langer’s history. For instance, in the USA, I say that the above political rises led to more crime and more cancer, the development of a national drug culture, the breakdown of the American family, and the failures of education, capitalism, banking, and the national economy. I also say that these new events in the USA were caused by chaining man’s reason to empiricism and chaining science to mathematics. These new chains were made by the belief that science can be known completely.

In Chapter 1, Langer says that man has always faced new problems. She says that man must solve these problems with new questions. Thus, man will never be able to sit on his duff forever. Change is thus natural to man.

History tells us that man has been chained often. A major enslaving occurred in the Middle Ages. Then, Aristotle’s logic was enforced by the courts of Cicero in the Roman Empire. You will laugh at this court’s logic in Blaise Pascal’s book on "The Provincial Letters." The new thoughts of Nicholas of Cusa ended both the Middle ages and Aristotle’s logical reasoning.

Today, the fields of empiricism and mathematics are trying to chain all U.S. citizens to logic again. If this chain is maintained for only one more generation of retired people, I say that the Western world will degenerate and its people will return to a form of life similar to the life of the Middle Ages. The overdosed death of Michael Jackson and the cancer of Ted Kennedy were caused only by our Empiricists and Mathematicians. And in my town, many doctors are getting ready to pull the plug on seniors. It seems clear that U.S. Empiricists and Mathematicians are affecting the security of the USA and are violating the founding documents, the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution. Both say that the USA is a nation under God..


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