Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Our Knowledge of God and the Universe is Increasing

When I published my book on "The First Scientific Proof of God' in 2006, I said that an infinite thing is God, who is the origin of all finite things in the Universe. I also said that God and the Universe are connected by opposing concepts. This connection is necessary, if atheism and deism are rejected, and God is active in His creation of the Universe. At that time, I identified these five opposing conceps: (1) One/many, (2) Equality/inequalities, (3) Union/relatives, (4) Infinite/finites, and (5) Indivisible/divisibles.

The capitalized concepts will be found in God whereas the uncapitalized concepts will be found in the Universe. Accordingly, capitalized concepts are attributes of God whereas the uncapitalized concepts are attributes of the plurality of created things.

After I opened this website, I identified other opposing concepts: (6) Independence/dependences (7) Perfect/imperfects, (8) Eternal/reincartnations, (9) Greatest/variables, (10) Same/dofferences and (11) Permanence/changes. As seen, the mind senses an attribute of a created things first because it is visible as So. Paul suggested at Rom. 1:20. Then, the opposing attribute of God is identified, which issought with metaphysical thinking. .

Recently, I received a movie from Larry Hawkins in Florida. We were both born in Pine Grove, PA. He saved the life of Ted Williams. This movie will explain the opposing concepts, Permance/changes. (click) Interestingly, former Senator John Glenn was in Hawkins' wing. I worked at Lockheed Martin with Glenn on his spacecraft and his first orbit around earth.


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