Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, December 17, 2010

The System of God and the Universe

When I proved that an infinite thing is the origin of all finite things (on page 6 of my book 'The First Scientific Proof of God),' I discovered a new system. Thus, an infinite thing and its finite things form 'a thing and its functional boxes.' It is thus important to recognize that discoveries of new 'systems' will come only from modern 'systemic thinking' because a new system never came from ancient thinking, such as scriptures.

So, just as I improved the knowledge of telemetry from analog to digital in the early 1960s, I merely improved man's knowledge in the field of theology (i.e., the theory of God) when I improved the ancient scriptures with modern science in my June 2006 book.

When atheists, materialists, and evolutionists say that God does not exist, their thinking fails because they can't prove scientifically the thing that is the origin of the finite things in the universe. Without proving the origin of all finite things, the thinking of atheists, materialists, and evolutionists is not 'systemic.' Further, if one says that a universe can exist alone, this this statement of modern science.


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