Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

God-made and Man-made Things

Religions have made 'holy things' that do not exist. For example, some people believe that 'Holy Land' exits. Because of such man-made things, people have gone to war and were killed over the ownership of holy land.

If a person believes in God and also believes that this God creates everything out of nothing, then this person must believe that God is active and interacts continually with all things that God creates.  Thus, when God interacts with a thing, Gottfried Leibniz says in his Monadology that God also knows the acts of all other things in the universe.  So, why do people fight over land, water, minerals, etc. when God made all land, all water, all  minerals, etc. and knows these fights?

It is time for people to recognize that God-made things cannot be owned by man and that man can own only those things that are man-made.


  • At 2:40 PM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    Then why did God specifically give man dominion over His creation?

  • At 3:10 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinso,

    I don't believe that God gave man the dominion over the creation.

    All God-made things have an infinite number of parts, as Galileo shows in his 'Dialogues Concerning Twe New Sciences.' Man can only make things that have a countable number of parts.


  • At 3:37 PM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    Again, why would he put us here if not to be stewards for His creation. Maybe own is the wrong term but rather possess since we have a finite period of time here.

  • At 4:41 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinson,

    When God created our world, an infinite thing (God) was creating finite thingss. We can't know such a God. We can only gain understandings of God by learning the many different things God created.

    Today, some scientists believe in an inactive God. This belief says that science can omplete the knowledge of the universe. I reject these scientists because their universe comes to an end (heat death).

    The term 'own' is OK because God made infrastucture that is needed to support many Spirits.

    When investors seek ownership of infrastructures, they seek riches, rather than spiritual progress, and do nothing for God.


  • At 6:29 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    What about investors that use their gains for philanthropic purposes? Are they not serving God in some capacity by improving the lives of others through their generosity?

  • At 6:35 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    With your position you will never know God because you deny the divinity of Jesus Christ. God is a triune being and you have to have a relationship with Jesus Christ in order to receive the Holy Spirt. You have chosen to focus on only one aspect of God so your research is seriously flawed. It's akin to studying mechanics and never taking apart an engine.

  • At 9:53 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinson,

    A philanthropic purpose can be a progressive purpose for a nation. But how do we know that national progresses are sought by philanthropic purposes? The progressive purposes of a nation should be determined only by its government.


  • At 10:27 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinson,

    An infinite God cannot be known by any human being. Thus, all teachings of Jesus Christ are the result of the finite thoughts of Jesus.

    'God is triune' is a statement of Christins. I reject this statement because the attributes of God are infinite in number.

    Since God is incomprehensible, all of my reserch is about the infinite number of God's attributes. These attributes of God reveal the Intelligent Design of God. So, my research is very advanced compared to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

    Research on God's attributes is not like studying mechanisms.


  • At 10:44 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    Metaphor George, metaphor. I said akin as in you're not taking in all the information needed to gain full understanding. You're trying to make God fit into your scientific box when his attributes are far beyond mere science. You are in a defensive posture where you say it can only be one way. By definition that is the opposite of advanced thinking.
    I would hate to think that you are so invested in scientifically proving God that you would deny yourself the opportunity to truly know God. Trust me it's better than anything science can ever give you.

  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinson,

    I have never tried to fit God into a scientific box. When I say that God is incomprehensible, I mean that God cannot fit into a scientific box. .

    I am also not in a defensive posture. Instead of defending my thoughts, I distinguish my theological thoughts from other theologies. So, either/or concepts do not fit my mind.

    My theory of God is complex because I am seeking both/and (infinite/finite) relations. The infinity of God and the finite of creatures is not an easy subject.

    (See's%20Infinity_A%20Christian-Mormon%20Comparison.html) Was God infinite or did God become infinite?

    I say that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are out-dated religions.


  • At 3:09 PM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    You're entitled to your opinion but religions will be here long after we're gone and at some point in the future we will all discover who was right.

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinson,

    Since life continues after death, you might study work after your death without knowing that you are studying my work. Thus, we will neve know who was right or wrong, other than by name.No one knows that they lived before on planet Earth. This is why I say that God is Great.

    But, I believe that religions will decrease in number as time pases.



  • At 9:38 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    I don't see how you say religions will decrease as your philosophy espouses elements of many religions which if we follow the logic of your previous post means you'll be sharing Shollenbergism throughout eternity and may have done so previously without knowing it.

  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinson,

    If only one God exists, only one religion will eventually exist.

    At this time, two Gods, and atheism exist. So only two relogions and one non-religion are open to discussion among the researchers who are involved.

    My research on God began in 1979. My library is very large and covers information produced by thousands of researchers. Shollenbergism is only one of these researchers. If I am reborn on planet earth, I might study my own writing without knowing tha I wrote it.


  • At 3:45 PM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    In your teaching how do you include demi-gods such as Confucious, Buddha, the Dahli Lama and assorted others that while not officially gods are worshipped and revered and have religions focused on their teachings.

  • At 9:56 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David S. Wilkinson,

    I focus my research on the theory of God. More specific, I focus my research on the theory of an infinite God who creates all finite things.

    I do not conduct research on the practices of specific theologies (religions). I have studied the writings of some theologians who focus on religions. For example, I studied the tachings of Jesus Christ because his teachings are based on an infinite God who creates all finite things.


  • At 12:48 PM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    Fair enough. I was just curious.


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