Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, June 26, 2006

The 'Scientific Method'' and the First Scientific Proof of God

My research that led to ‘The First Scientific Proof of God.’ shows that, after the death of Christ, the scientific teachings of Christ were not taught for 14 centuries because Christians decided to use Aristotle’s science, rather than Plato’s science, in these teachings. This decision was just another religious error. These errors can be reduced but not eliminated. This specific error delayed, for 1400 years, the developments of man’s mind and understanding of nature. Such an error must be avoided because errors cause human freedom to degenerate. Freedom can rise only if people do not allow any field of thought to become hegomonic..

This specific religious error was detected in the 14th century after Plato’s writings were rediscovered and the Italian Renaissance was initiated Unfortunately, Aristotle’s logical science, rather than Plato’s science, would dominate the Western world until the time of Newton in the 17th century. The independent development of Plato’s science by some scientists and their rejection of Aristotle’s science would take three more centuries because the Roman Church was opposed to any science independent of its religious teachings.

By 1400, the Ockhamites of Paris University had rejected Aristotle’s logical science and were working with logicians at Oxford, England. And, the Ockhamites in Paris also shifted their interests to the activities of the Averroists of Padua University in Italy where one would find the writings of Nicholas of Cusa ,Leonardo the notebooks of Da Vinci, and connections the interaction between Copernicus and Kepler. Eventually, Galileo would teach at the University of Padua where Aristotelian physics would be destroyed.

By 16th century, the new science was found. This new science has two arms of a scientific proof: One arm is the discovery arm and identifies the ‘effects’ (or positive empirical data). The other arm is the ‘cause; and explains rationally the discovered effects. The new science became known as the ‘scientific method’. This method replaced Aristotle’s logic science because logic is only a tool for furthering new sciences. Logic deals only with contingent truths whereas all new sciences deal with necessary truths.

To apply the scientific method to God and His creation, two more steps are needed. One step must view God as the single cause so that all things in the universe can be viewed as the effects of the cause. The second step must view God as a determinate infinite and must view all things in the universe as finite things. A search of Google for scientific proofs of God will produce many claims of scientific proofs of God. But these proofs are not true proofs of God.

Based on this religious error, I believe that all fields of thoughts worldwide must be restudied so that Aristotle’s science can be removed from them. I believe that these restudies must begin with the most troublesome fields of thought --- political science, economic science, and medical science.


  • At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have read your book and found myself amazed at the conclusions you have arrived at. This is certainly not what is being taught today. I particularly like your explanation of the QUORAN and gave my book to a Jewish friend of mine. I can't wait for his response.

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    John, a new and different discovery such as the scientific proof of God can be expected to open the eyes of most people. If you read the book again, you will conclude that this book has the potential to change the world and its educational systems ddrastically.

    If you identify the conclusions of which you are speaking, I could be more responsive to you. Please have your Jewish friend be specific because generalities are difficult in a dialogue on my book.


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