Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mind-Body Negatives and Their Origin in the USA

Yesterday, I opened a blog on the subject of mind-body. In this blog, I spoke of the negative effects on our body that are caused by the negative thoughts of our mind. Some negative thoughts mentioned by Charles Fillmore are thoughts such as anger, revenge, jealousy, fear, and impurity. I could add a few negative thoughts such as atheism, alcoholism, prostitution, abortion, laissez-faire capitalism, pornography, nail biting, lack of self esteem, negative messages to patients by medical doctors, smoking, poor eating, gambling, and lack of cleanliness. Although the list of negative thoughts seems to be endless, the list can be reduced to two forms of negative thoughts--- falsities and immorality.

Since all thoughts are either positive or negative, all negative thoughts can be identified only by identifying all positive thoughts. Interestingly, the founders of the USA identified all positive thoughts by equating them to the ‘laws of man.’ Such laws have their origin in God and are expressed in God’s intelligent design of his creation.

The founders identified the ‘laws of man’ for us and placed them in the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. One set of man’s laws are the Laws of Nature. These laws express all natural truths about the universe’s infrastructure. This infrastructure supports all life in the universe. The second set of man’s laws are the Laws of Nature’s God. These laws express all moral truths about life.

Unfortunately, the US government has decided that the Declaration of Independence is a single authority of the USA to conduct the Revolutionary War against England. I disagree with this decision because the first two paragraphs identify a second authority. This second authority makes the USA a nation under God.

So, all negative thoughts in the USA have their origin in a bad decision of the US government about the Declaration of Independence.


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