Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, August 01, 2008

Theological Science and Self-Knowledge, IX

Self-knowledge about things can be developed fully or partly. But, some things, for instance, God, must remain unknown to man. So, self-knowledge can never be completed. Karl Marx and Friedrich Hegel speak about knowing things partly and fully. But, Marx disagreed with Hegel on the subject of God. Hegel says that God is a thing that cannot be known. Marx says that God does not exist.

To Hegel and Marx, a thing thus remains unknown until man has sensed phenomena about that thing, develops self-knowledge about that thing mathematically and with dialectical thinking, uses that thing, and perfects self-knowledge about that thing.

If some tree falls and if man was not there to sense the fall, man knows nothing about that tree. Trees can fall at any time y and without man’s knowledge. But, this event tells us that the realities of the world are never fully know by man.

Today’s US scientists disagree with Marx and Hegel. Instead, they say that man’s knowledge of everything can be completed. Thus, they are saying that the reality of the world can be known.

I disagree with US scientists when they say that everything can be known and that the reality of the world can thus be known. My evidence is the continued failure of the field of science to (1) define the underlying matter of things, (1) identify true physical atoms, (3) identify a free physical particle with atom smashers, (4) identify and prove how living things are originated from nonliving things and (5) identify and prove the origin of all finite things. I also disagree with Karl Marx on the subjects of God and mind. To me, God and mind are things.

In the 15th century, Nicholas of Cusa discovered that self-knowledge cannot become maximum because what is maximum is also minimum. The only thing that can be both maximum and minimum is monotheistic God, who unites all oppositions. According to this discovery, the theory of knowledge expressed by US science is false.

Unless US scientists correct their failures and US scientists and Marxists prove that God does not exist, every nation should turn away from the current political methods of building a nation of free humans with current sciences.


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