Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, August 04, 2008

Theological Science, Self-Knowledge, and a ‘World of Spirits,’ II

In the 15th century, when Nicholas of Cusa sought the maximum knowledge of man, he knew that man must accept the uncertainties and certainties of symbols and their meanings. For this reason, Cusa often used the strong certainty of mathematics. Since the maximum of man’s knowledge cannot be known with mathematics, he had to define the symbol ‘maximum.’ He defined maximum using the following statement: that which there cannot be anything greater. Since maximum cannot be less (otherwise it is not maximum), Cusa used dialectical thinking and found that the maximum is both maximum and minimum. Here,we see why today’s logicians are confusing our sciences. We also see that Americans will not understand Cusa and other dialecticians because dialectical thinking is not taught to most Americans.

Since a greatest thing unifies opposites and does not vary, the greatest thing began to be spoken of as "The Absolute." The concept ‘absolute’ allows man to attribute varying things with the concept of "relations." Thus, it was in the 15th century, not in the 16th century when Galileo experimented with a ball rolling down an inclined plane, that the concepts ‘motion and ‘dynamics’ emerged. Historically, Galileo’s dynamics follows from Cusa, Newton’s dynamics follows from Galileo, and the calculus of Newton and Leibniz came out of these past thoughts on dynamics.

So, when a person accepts God and speaks of God as the greatest thing, that person’s mind must learn how The Absolute must be connected directly to all Relative things. Let me show how one must think about this connection.

The Absolute, which is one and indivisible, makes this connection by making things that participate in his essence. Since God is indivisible, God creates indivisible things by contracting them by plurality and finitude. A plurality of indivisible things is called ‘Spirits.’Each spirit is modeled with the geometrical point. These things move because they are embodied and form dynamic wholes. The embodiment of the Spirits is very complex and will never know by man. This is why philosophers say that the essence of things in the universe can never be known. But we can understand things by knowing more and more phenomena associated with each spirit-body thing.

Based on the inability of man to achieve maximum knowledge and man’s never ending life, we must rethink and restructure human life. For instance, money must be rethought and changed so that it becomes a means for life (not an end) so that new means for individual and social activities appear. This new form of human life must be given to every human because the new life will become a World of Spirits. In the USA, this new world would replace Adam Smith’s thoughts on a Wealth of a Nation.


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