Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, November 07, 2008

Theological Science* Reveals New Ways to Interpret Scriptures, IV

As I said in yesterday’s blog, all scriptures are man-made. This means that a monotheistic God is not talking in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur an. In these scriptures, we will only find the prophesyings of humans, who gained respect widely enough to include in a book or document. And St. Paul taught at his time what I am teaching here in the Bible at I Thess. 4:20. Paul says that no one should despise prophesying or prophesyings. What we find in any scripture is thus not different from books and documents that have made by humans and gained respect today on the subjects of God, Universe, and Life.

However, the Old Testament, New Testament, and Qur’an are not merely history books. Man’s scriptures are similar to modern science in that they contain powerful theories. Scriptures create and build religions that create social relations, study groups, and a spiritual togetherness of a nation under God. Scriptures also help to prove that the art of prophesying, or the art of conjecture, is a continuous human process that has no end.

All human beings are Sons of God and Sons of Man. They are Sons of God because they are Spirits (or spiritual atoms), which are completed, immortal, and intelligent. Thus, Spirits never die. These Spirits can be popularized by calling them ‘persons.’

Human Spirits are also the Sons of Man because each human Spirit is embodied by male and female physical Spirits. These physical bodies pass on at death to give new births to the dead Sons of God.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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