Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea II (Symbols and the Founding Documents)

To remake America, we must return immediately to the original founding documents --- the Declaration of Independence, Constitution etc. (click) We must return to such historical documents because most of the words that man uses in any document are symbols and thus have meanings that are imperfect and can always be improved.

The physical sciences are on the right path of thoughts. In the physical sciences, the meanings of symbols are exact because the meanings of physical symbols interact with each other in positive ways to form physical laws, such as E = MC2.

Unfortunately, many physical scientists and life scientists say that physical symbols will apply also to every form of life. However, mathematicians recently convinced our bankers that human life can be predicted using physical symbols. Here is one source of today’s economic problems. The use of physical symbols is limited because they can interact with each other only in non living things.

Studies of our founding documents are important because our founders distinguished physical laws from moral laws in the Declaration of Independence. There, our founders speak of ‘Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.’ Laws of Nature are determined only by finding truths and falsities whereas Law’s of Nature’s God are determined only by finding rights and wrongs.

One example of a life science is the making of rulings by judges. However, today’s judges are making new laws as well as making rulings based on existing laws. Judges must limit themselves to rulings because only ‘the people,’ through Congress, can be the legislative force in a free nation under God.

Today, U.S. citizens are divided into believers and non believers, rich and poor, white and black, Democrats and Republicans, etc. only because the development of symbolic languages in the USA is virtually nonexistence. Remaking America is thus possible, but only if we restudy our founding documents and develop our symbolic languages properly at schools, colleges, and universities.


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