Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXXXII (Economies for the USA, IV)
In his "A Grammar of Motives" Kenneth Burke shows us that human life’s motives cannot be explained with logic and the cause/effect principle. Burke rejects this atheistic explanation. His work did predict Hitler’s political motives that led to the Jewish Holocaust. Burke says that human life is a drama and can be explained only with knowledge of human motives. He says that complete statements about human motives will offer some kind of answers to the following five questions:
1. What was done? (act).
2. When or where it was done? (scene)
3. Who dit it? (actor)
4. How it was done? (means)
5. Why? (end or purpose)
If we do not limit human life to logical relations, we move our mind to a higher level of thought where the means and ends coexist. At this higher level of thought, money becomes a means rather than an end. This change eliminates usury and changes the end to a different purpose. This new and godly purpose produces a continuous life, rather than a discrete death, for all humans.
If money is used as a means and all ends are produced for the purposes of human life, all ends can be accumulated and hoarded. If the ends are accumulated and hoarded, the life of all free people will be equal. Since the founders say that all Men are created equal, it is clear that they never authorized usury.
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