Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, March 21, 2011


Recently, I was asked about the process of cremation and the position of the soul. The answer comes from the science of bodies. In his research on bodies, Galileo found that a natural body has an infinite number of parts. Since all natural bodies come from God and His Intelligent Design, they have an infinite of parts, which cannot be counted. All bodies made by man have a finite number of parts and can thus be counted.

Every body that are created by God has a first principle. All other parts are natural are are functionally related to the first principle The first principle has a name, which is called the soul. In humans we find natural parts such as a brain, ten fingers, two eyes, etc.

When the soul rises, its relations to all other parts are removed. When this happens, death has occurred and the soul leaves the universe. The natural body parts begin to rise once the soul has left the universe. By cremating a person after death, the natural body parts leave the universe faster than the body parts that were put into a coffin and buried. If a person is cremated, the soul has already left the universe.

At this time, my thoughts say that all souls, which are not in the universe, form the dark matter of the world.


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