Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Divinity of Jesus Christ

The First Scientific Proof of God not only confirmed the new and interesting theology of panentheism, it also opened a huge well of human ideas, which Jesus Christ calls ‘living water’ at John 4:10-14 (KJV Bible). To organize all of these ideas, I decided to divide the book into four major parts: (I): knowledge; (IIa) Nicholas of Cusa; (IIb) The Trinity, The Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ; (IIc) God and man communications, (III) world theories; and (IV) God’s Intelligent Design.

When writing this book, my mind was guided by metaphoric and literal teachings of Jesus. But, because of panentheism and my proof of God, my interpretations of Christ’s teachings are usually very different from the teachings found in Christianity today. Thus, each part of my book is basically new. These different interpretations arise because I chose to deal with a real infinite God and also the God who must appear in our finite universe in a contracted way.

In my book, I prove that the New Testament contains divine teachings. A divine teaching is unique to God if it is new, turbulent (powerful), and consistent with God. On the Old testament, I conclude that Moses was a great scientist for his time because he knew how to analyze Nature and could teach highly scientific material with well-constructed stories. For instance, when Moses said that Lord appeared to him in a flaming bush and explained why the bush was not consumed (Exod. 3:2-4), Moses already concluded that only God can destroy everything in a thing He creared. Even though Moses was a scientific thinker some of his thought are inconsistent with God. On the Qur’an , I discuss Muhammad and Islam with information that Muhammad died as a Nester Christian. (See Part I, p. 75). Since Judaism, Islam, and other scriptures do not teach panentheism, the divinity of the Old testament, the Qur’an, and other scriptures remain to be unproven.

Obviously, a closed mind could be opened widely by my new book.


  • At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Scientists don't make circular arguments as you do, starting with a strong belief in god and then setting out to "prove" it. Nor do they take an "open" mind to be one that agrees with them. Try opening your mind to the possibility that you're a senile old fuddyduddy who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, and is the last person on earth likely to make any significant changes in the way people think.

  • At 8:02 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    I suggest that you read my new book on The First Scientific Proof of God. Like other scientists, I seek proofs of theories that explain ermpirical data. My standard of proof is thus the 'scientific method.' By proving God's existence with the scientific method, God becomes a more fundamental standard of proof. To use this new fundamental and perfect standard of measurement, I test and compare the 'consistency'of created things with God. Cmparing imperfect things with a perfect thing makes the organizations in the universe clearer.

    My search of truths have no room for circularities. Thus, I do not expect to change my current methods of proof and consistences.

    Interestingly, humans cannot conceive nonexistences. Accordingly, no one can prove that God, or anything else, does not exist. Beliefs are theories. Thus, the beliefs in God differ by degrees. None of these beliefs can be reduced to zero. With the proof of God, I conclude that atheism is a totally irrational thought.

  • At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

  • At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

  • At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for taking the time to validate "faith in what is unseen" - we can not truly testify to the existence of God - but, we can see the evidence of God in the world in which we live. Your courage an enthusiasm is deeply appreciated.


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