On the Big Bang Theory
Since all things observed in the universe are finite, how can a universe of finite things be formed? The proponents of the Big bang theory say that finite things in the universe are formed by a single finite thing. So, they believe that an existing finite thing can form all other finite things. Such a belief is logically possible. But, this belief is logically impossible if one says that a finite thing can form all finite things. A flaw exists in the Big Bang theory because only God can form all finite things. This flaw originates from an error of the human mind.
In The First Scientific Proof of God, I say that the positive qualities of all things in the universe come from opposing qualities. Since all things in the universe are finite, all things in the universe come from a thing that is not finite or infinite. Since all finite things in the universe come from an infinite thing, that infinite thing is determinate and exists beyond all negative and positive things. The thing, which is beyond all positive and negative things, is no other than God.
A proposal that a universe can be formed itself and without God is thus misleading the people of the USA and other nations.
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