Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, July 20, 2006

President Bush’s Error of Vetoing Stem Cell Research

When I was approaching the age at which death becomes more possible, I decided to halt my 25-year research project on the theory of God and begin to write the book, The First Scientific Proof of God. I concluded that I went far enough on this research project because I was convinced that the book could serve scientists and theologians now and for many, many years. This was a good decision because I completed the book on April 14, 2006, had a heart attack on April 17, 2006, and had to undergo open-heart surgery on April 18, 2006. After this surgery, I rushed the manuscript to the publisher in May, waited for its publication in late June, and prepared for a second surgery that would open my carotid artery on July 7, 2006.

All of the above events were comforting to me, that is, until President Bush vetoed stem cell research on July 19, 2006 and caused me to evaluate his veto. My evaluation concluded that Bush’s stem cell research decision was determined by ‘what is political right’ instead of ‘what is scientifically right. Further, I concluded that this political right was determined by ‘what is religiously right. ’ My evaluation says that the President’s decision was unconstitutional because the US government cannot establish a religion. But, this unconstitutional act was made possible by Science and Religion because they are still not unifying their thoughts. Their separation, which began in the 14th century, was, and still is, inconsistent with God. These inconsistencies with God for many, many years have had the result of misguiding all sciences and all religions. This ungodly guidance implies that, ignorance, not intelligence, is guiding Science and Religion. Thus, on this stem cell research decision, I charge President Bush, Science, and Religion with different forms of evilness against God.

My 25-year research project on the theory of God concluded that God is creating ‘mortal things,’ which die, out of ‘immortal spirits,’ which do not die. I speak of the immortal spirits in my book as atoms and call them ‘spiritual atoms.’ My research conclusion seems appropriate because (1) the physical sciences have not been able to find any physical atoms in the universe and (2) no religion or scripture is providing information on God’s creation of atoms.

Obviously, Nature can destroy the mortal things that God creates. But, only God can destroy the immortal spirits. So, one question on stem cell research is, ‘Can stem cell research people destroy a stem cell?’ The answer is ‘yes.’ Another question is, ‘Can stem cell research people destroy an ‘immortal spirit?’ The answer is ‘no.’ Thus, when stem cell research people begin to destroy a stem cell, the immortal spirits, which organized that stem cell, immediately begin to leave that stem cell to enter and organize a new immortal thing naturally. This leaving and entering motion are scientific motions because no absolutely free immortal spirits exist.

My discussion of stem cell research above shows that President Bush’s decision to veto stem cell research was an error based on ‘what is political right.’ The religious persons who advised the President should admit their error unless they can show that my use of spiritual atoms is scientifically wrong..


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