Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Message to Readers on the Methodology I Use on This Blog

This blog has its origin on a project I was assigned in 1977 at the US Department of Justice. The project was to measure the performance of the National Institute of Justice, a typical government agency. I found that the absolute performance of the Institute was impossible to determine. But, its relative performance, for instance, by comparing current year performances with the performance of the past year, could be a way to measure yearly performances. The inability to measure performance absolutely caused me to investigate similar questioins. Accordingly, I looked deeper into the crime problem. Then, in 1988, I found that the cause of crime is our mind. More specifically, the cause of crime is the symbolic languages we create and use daily.

I discuss this finding in my recent book on ‘‘The First Scientific Proof of God’’ in Part IIa. Discovering the cause of crime caused me to discover other findings. One finding is the first scientific proof of God (in Part I, Chapter 1). And, the second finding was my discovery of the connection between God and the universe using language symbols (see Part IIa). From these basic findings, I developed a modern creation theory, which has spiritual atoms. This modern creation is found in Part IV.

The First Scientific Proof of God is thus a comprehensive book that uses the fundamental findings above to develop other conclusions. For instance, a conclusion is made that man, in general, is currently on a path to Hell, a level of declining consciousness. So this book presents a system of my thoughts about God, the universe, and life and a conclusion about the current status of man.

This book represents my thoughts and the thoughts of other personalities, who I cite. Thus, I do not say ‘‘it is my opinion that’’ before each statement. All statements are mine. So, I might sound opinionated at times. But, I am open-minded. I state my opinions, quote the personalities I use, and give my response to current events that relate to The First Scientific Proof of God.


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