Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Is the Human Species Becoming Mentally Ill?

The US National Institute of Mental Health is unable to determine whether a human is mentally ill because God is not considered in this decision. Like all other governmental agencies, the US Supreme Court has separated the Institute from God. This separation causes the Institute to view the mind and the brain as an identity and causes mentally ill patients to be treated with physical pills, fluids, electrical shocks, etc. If God is not separated from the Institute, the identity of mind and brain becomes an error, mind becomes a spiritual thing, brain becomes an organ of the mind, and mind and brain should be treated differently.

As a follower of Plato, I say that the mind contains only ideas. Ideas are formed by individuals and cultures. The human mind can contain healthy ideas and sick ideas. Sick ideas can be formed by the mind itself or by the minds of other people. And, they can also be treated and made healthy by the mind itself or by the minds of other people. For instance, stable ideas of a culture can treat sick ideas. Criminal activities are caused by sick ideas. Since a criminal can be treated by removing the sick ideas, crime can be eliminated. But, I reject insanity as a mental state because all ideas in a person cannot be sick simultaneously.

Cultures can also develop mental illnesses. For instance, in a nation under God, atheism is a mental illness. And, poverty and rich classes are mental illnesses under God. Germany developed a mental illness and started WWII. The cause of WWII was slavery, the reparations forced onto Germany following WWI. Terrorism and wars are also mental illnesses and have causes that no one is willing to admit. Many economists and business persons have sick economic ideas. Older people today, those who have developed self-knowledge for years, are beginning to conclude that more sick ideas are entering the young people today compared to 50 years ago. The drug problem is only one cause of this change. Is this a sign of increased mental illness at the specie level?

To recognize the mind and its true nature, the separation between God and all people must be removed.


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