Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Life Sciences: The Opening Issue

Atheistic mathematicians and scientists view life differently than those mathematicians and scientists who believe in God. One difference is that nonbelievers view life as something made possible by Nature whereas believers view life as something that God made possible. This difference is significance because Nature is viewed by atheists as something “finite” whereas God is viewed by theists as something “infinite.” What made life possible, Nature or God?

The difference between nonbelievers and believers became clearer when both agree that Nature is “finite.” Since the believers have a maker of Nature and the nonbelievers could not say that Nature existed always, the atheists had to find a thing that made Nature. So, it is a fact that both the nonbelievers and believers need a ‘maker theory.’ The believers say that the maker of Nature is “an infinite God. “ On the other hand, the nonbelievers say that the maker of Nature is “a high energy physical particle.’ So, the battleground between believers and nonbelievers is formed by two distinct ‘maker theories ”— the theory of God and the theory of a high energy physical particle or Big Bang theory. Who is right?

The two questions above need to be answered before the division between believers and nonbelievers can be eliminated in the USA. However, the battlefield between believers and nonbelievers is unfair and is controlled by the nonbelievers. This injustice is caused by atheistic judges in the US Supreme Court. Not until after the assassination of Lincoln was the Declaration of Independence removed from the US body of laws. Until Lincoln’s assassination, State and theory of God were never separated. The atheistic judges separated State and the theory of God by ruling that the theory of God is establishing a religion, which is unconstitutional according to Amendment I. These judges thus removed the Declaration of Independence from the US body of laws. With this removal, government can fund the Big Bang theory but cannot fund the theory of God. Thus, these two questions cannot be answered by science. Unless the Declaration of Independence becomes a part of the US body of laws, the theory of God and the Big Bang theories will always be a political issue. Here is the origin of the unfair battleground between believers and nonbelievers.


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