Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, September 03, 2006

How Mathematicians, Logicians, Physical Scientists, and Evolutionists Reject God and Lure Life Scientists and Your Children into their Camp of Thought

Recently, my scientific proof of God has been challenged ruthlessly by atheists. Obviously, these atheists will not review this proof of God as other scientist will. Instead, they hope to destroy this proof so they can maintain control of all human thoughts that do not conform to their lines of reasoning. Over the last few days their comments ( in the August 30, 2006 posting) have exposed a flaw in their minds to me. This flaw explains why they act ruthlessly and why they promote atheism worldwide, even though they are no longer productive with respect to new sciences and technologies. I conclude that the rise of atheism will explain why some medical problems are not being solved. This rise might also explain tough world problems such as poverty and terrorism.

The minds of the atheists are flawed by limiting the logic they will accept. They use the ‘either/or’ logic. An example of this logic is the pair of opposing concepts, one and many. An atheist says that one and many cannot coexist. Yet, they speak of one whole that has many parts. Life scientists must use an additional form of logic called the ‘both/and’ logic. The atheist would not accept this logic. For instance, if a life scientist states that both one and many coexist, the atheist says that this statement is false. By rejecting the ‘both/and‘ logic, the atheist cannot recognize God and cannot distinguish life from non life or wholes from parts. My proof of God unifies the concepts, infinite and finite. I thus say that an infinite God does not vanish after our finite universe has been created. The atheists say that God does not exist because infinite and finite cannot coexist. It is thus clear that people become atheists when they reject the ‘both/and’ logic and God.

A life scientist cannot conduct research on life without both logics because the opposing concepts we use to study life are dynamic and are never maximally different. Two concepts must be maximally different to form an ‘either/or’ logic. For instance, socialism and democracy are political systems that differ but are never maximally different. President Clinton and England’s Tony Blair recognized the ‘both/and’ logic in these two political systems. So, they worked together and eventually spoke of a ‘Third Way’ so that socialism and democracy can coexist in the same nation. The atheists would not accept this kind of political thought because they follow the physical scientists who reject God and wrongly say that life comes from nonliving things.

Life scientists must separate themselves from the atheists. And, parents of school children must destroy all forms of atheism in the schools. When the atheists want to control the way all people think, it is about time to take action. I discuss the ‘either/or’ and ‘both/and’ logics in Part I, Chapter 6 of ‘The First Scientific Proof of God.’ Hopefully, these theists admit this error so all sciences can be corrected.


  • At 8:29 PM, Blogger Seven Star Hand said…

    Hey George,

    I have also presented verifiable proof of the Creator that unites science with the meaning of much ancient wisdom.

    For more stunning confirmation of this information, download my FREE EBook.


  • At 9:54 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Recently, I completed a 25 year research project on the 15th century work of Nicholas of Cusa and the relations of his work fro Abraham and Moses through modern science. This research led to the my scientific proof of God. This scientific proof is based on the scientific method that was developed by modern scientisrs. I recently published a book on some of this research with the book, The First Scientific Proof of God. Other research is appearing on this blog.

    Since I am 77 years old, I doubt thay I will begin another research project. But, thanks for informing me of your work.

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger Simon said…

    You guys.

  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    To simon.
    Nothing is coming to mind.


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