Ideas for Consideration by Religions and Sciences
Religions fell behind science because religions did not realize that all scriptures are formed out of flawed symbolic languages. This is why scientists would not accept prophets and scriptures dictated by God. On the other hand, science fell behind religion because science did not realize that all finite things in the universe had to have an infinite creator. This is why religious leaders would not accept the godless universe proposed by today’s physical scientists.
On prophesying, I conclude that all prophets have been ordinary people who produced brilliant ideas about God and the universe. Since man seems to have appeared about 4.4 million years ago, these brilliant ideas did not emerge until writing appeared about 5000 years ago and after symbolic languages and scriptures began to develop.
To help religion and science catch up to each other, I offer the following new ideas:
1 God is absolutely infinite. This means that God exists beyond all finite positive phenomena in the universe and all of their negations.
2. A world of angels, fallen angels, Satan, Devil, demons, etc. in between God and the universe does not exist. The infinite gap, which distinguishes the infinite world of God from the finite world of the universe, is bridged spiritually by using immortal spiritual atoms.
3. God does not live in time. All time in the universe is thus man-made. Thus, a science of local laws of physics and local laws of life seems to exist. But, we have very little knowledge of the cosmos.
4. The universe has no beginning or end.
5. The universe is formed out of immortal spiritual atoms. They form all living and nonliving things. This is how God creates and explains why the universe is endless.
6. The universe is an Intelligent Design of God and His wisdom. Since the universe has no end, God’s wisdom and the universe can never be known completely by us.
7. All living and nonliving things continue in new lives after death.
8. Heaven and Hell are different levels of human consciousness and are not places in which people will live after death. Reincarnation is a necessary theory of the universe.
9. God appears in our world as a human in order to transfer new wisdom to us. I show why Jesus must be considered as the appearance of God. Such appearances are made possible only with spiritual atoms.
I discuss these new ideas in more detail in my book, The First Scientific Proof of God.
At 1:41 PM, zenstar said…
you assume that all religions believe in the existence of a single omnipotent god.
do you realise that there are religions out there that believe in a pantheon of gods?
in fact there are religions out there that believe that there are no gods and are all about ancestors and spirits.
are they wrong?
as for: "4. The universe has no beginning or end."
umm... i'm not an astophysicist but i'm fairly sure there are edges to the universe what with it expanding and everything thing... oh, and since it's expanding from a single point i bet that that point is probably the begining.
i believe real science has that one covered.
"immortal spiritual atoms" - if they truly are atoms then we will be able to discover and measure them. they've got to be pretty small or pretty rare for us not to have found any under an electron microscope yet. but they can't be rare because they're everywhere right? so they must just be really, really, really tiny.
"Intelligent Design" - ID has been refuted over and over and over yet creationists refuse to see the truth and still quote outdated sources that have been proven false! do you have any proof that hasn't been proven false?
oh yeah: buy your book. unfortunately, being a south african student, i can neither find your book locally, nor can i afford to import it should i be able to find it online.
but if you are willing to spread your word as you say, and if book sales are going well, how about donating one?
if you are willing then post an email adress where i can send you my physical adress and you could post me a copy of your book.
At 4:52 PM, George Shollenberger said…
To zenstar.
Since the scientific proof is the most powerful method of proof and I use this method, my proof is saying that other theories of God are false.
Since the universe is not in a container or does not exist in God, the universe has no edges of any kind.
Your line of reasoning on the beginning of the universe has a flaw. The proposed Big Bang particle must be a finite thing because it explodes and releases a finite amount of energy to form all things in the universe. The physicists fail to tell us where the Big Bang particle gets its energy. The universe is in God and has no beginning. Otherwise, God has a beginning and has a cause.
Spiritual atoms hane no physical dimensions. They are modeled by the geometrical point. Spiritual atoms cannot be measured. You are not recognizing the spiritual aspect of the world.
God's Intelligent Design comes with a creator God. Otherwise, God is not a creator. What is created must be based on a design.
My book is available at In order to be fair, I do not give handouts.
At 7:02 AM, zenstar said…
you have already stated that "Physical scientists do not use my forms of logic I use."
which means you are not using scientific proof.
i consulted an astrophysicist and was told the universe has no edge (my mistake). however this is because an edge means an interface with something else. since the universe is all reality there is nothing else to interface with.
also: it is a finite universe.
as for trying to refute the big bang: i never mentioned the big bang . whether i think the theory is true or not, the universe is still expanding from a single point. this has been scientifically proven.
spiritual atoms have no physical dimensions? convenient. how do you know they exist then?
"..modeled by the geometrical point."
what, like longitude and latitude?
as for the spiritual dimension of the world: when someone actually proves (using scientific logic and proof) that it exists, then i'll acknowledge it. as of yet nothing spiritual nor paranormal is verifiable by anything other than pure belief.
"What is created must be based on a design." untrue. many creations are not designed. for example: an doodle on a piece of paper that is made absentmindedly while talking on the phone. there is no design, no plan, no forthought.
"In order to be fair, I do not give handouts." how unfortunate.
At 9:44 AM, George Shollenberger said…
To zenstar.
The logic I use between what is finite and what is infinite is the same as yours because what is in the universe is denied of God and what is in God is denied in the universe. But to see God, one must unify what is finite and what is infinite. When one sees this unity, one finds God, who is the coincidence of all opposint concepts.
Certainly, the universe is finite. The universe is what is finite and whereas infinite is the attribute of God.
The universe is, was, and will always be with God. God never changes. But the universe is always changing. This is why it expands continually. The Big Bang theory is refuted in my book. It is too bad that you can't afford it. Perhaps your parents or boss will buy it for you and your.
study group.
I see the spiritual atoms with the eye of my mind. The is the same way that you and I see the geometrical pointsI. Spiritual atoms are seen just like we see the geometrical points, that is, when we see that two lines intersect.A set of spiritual atoms form geometrical curves, strait lines, etc.
God's Intelligent Design is metaphysical and becomes real when God creates. We create things in a similar way. God makes the 'matter' of His creation with spiritul atoms. The spiritual atoms combine and form 'things.' To create something, man makes a design and them makes the design using things that God created. Your doodle is a metaphysical design of your mind. Not very useful, but real.
You are an unfair person when you expect a free book knowing that a writer cannot give a free book to all people. You are thinking like an atheist. It is tough to be a godly person in the kind of world people are making. We must bring the real God into all nations.
At 4:57 PM, zenstar said…
i tire of this discussion.
your logic seems amorphous and inconsistent without access to your book.
since you are making money off your book, you refuse to state your logic here and therefor a proper discussion cannot be held.
you are entitled to your opinion.
i am entitled to mine.
i think you are mistaken.
you think the same of me.
as for unfairness: i suppose it would be unfair to expect you to give a book to everyone. i did not request that. i asked that if you were feeling charitable and wanted to help my enlightenment, prehaps you could give me a copy.
i do not think this request unfair as i have given books i enjoy to people so that they may enjoy them. i certainly do not give books to everyone, but if everyone acted like i did then the chain would continue and everyone would get free books.
i do think that it is a little selfish to withhold possible groundbreaking scientific discoveries at ransom by not publishing your scientific proof in a scientific journal. if it is truly a scientific proof and you are truly a scientist then you will do what all scientists do: publish their findings in a freely available scientific journal so that your theories can be tested and replicated. this is how real science works.
but whatever... i end my part of the discussion here with neither side accepting the other's opinion.
At 12:35 AM, George Shollenberger said…
To zenstar.
Thanks for the dialogue. I tried to get my material into the university level at my university, Johns Hopkins (JHU). An evolutionist stopped it. Need I say more about why I self-published? Science has gone political and I am glad that I am retired and free of this political-scientific complex.
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