Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Building and Separating the Theory of God, Science, and Religion Properly

Today, the theory of God is not growing. The same can be said about all religions. Two reasons explain this awful situation. One reason is that many people rely on scriptures but do not trust science. This is a human error because God gave us the abilities to build knowledge. The second reason is that most people do not distinguish ‘theory’ from practice.’ The medical systems, for example, do distinguish them. So, a specific medical theory cannot be practiced by doctors on patients until this specific theory has been proven. The need to separate theory from practice is why the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) conducts trials on medical theories before it approves them.

So, one might ask, ‘Why do people practice a religion when the theory of God has not been proven?’ But, one might also ask, ‘Why do doctors practice cancer drugs when the theory of cancer has not been proven?’ The truth is that ‘proofs’ are really not final. Proofs improve and change. Some changes are slow whereas others change rapidly. The point is that we live in a changing world whereas God is always the same.

If the theory of God, religions, and science are to grow, people must separate the theory of God from religion but must unify scriptures and science. In the USA, the theory of God is not separated properly from religion. For instance, the USA has a society, as defined by the Declaration of Independence, and a government, as defined by the Constitution. The Constitution says that religion can be in society but cannot be in government. However, the Declaration of Independence says that the theory of God must be in society. But, the Constitution says that the theory of God must also be in government. Thus, two major errors have been made by the US Supreme Court. These errors must be corrected to be consistent with the founding documents.

The Preamble of the Constitution says that one purpose of government is to form a more perfect Union. The measurement of the term ‘more perfect’ requires a standard of perfection, just as length requires a length standard. The perfect standard can be determined but only with the theory of God, who is the only perfect thing. So, the US Supreme Court has made two big errors --- an error in measurement practices and an error in the theory of God.

The unification of scriptures and science are simple if scriptures are defined as ‘early science.’ Then, today’s sciences could be defined as ‘later science.’ Then, early science and later science would be connected by time and would have a common purpose --- to search for the truth. With these new definitions, it is not wrong to display in public areas the advances of past sciences by man. For instance, the Ten Commandments, a military tank or airplane, a DNA model, etc. can be displayed in public areas so that people can teach their children of the past and their futures.


  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger Mary said…

    Hi George,

    I can't say I really understand your discussion of errors in the constitution, but I do find it interesting. You probably already knew this, but the mathematician Godel said he found a very important error in the constitution too but nobody knows what he found. See, for example, where it describes Godel's friendship with Einstein and says "To everyone's consternation, Gödel suddenly informed the presiding judge that he had discovered a way in which a dictatorship could be legally installed in the United States, through a logical contradiction in the U.S. Constitution." I wonder if you had any insight into any problem Godel might have seen in the U.S. constitution?

    Any way, best wishes, your friend, Mary.

  • At 9:35 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Hi Mary,

    I am familiar with Godel and know that he was a close friend of Einstein. But, I never studied him and his famous work in mathematics on the idea of 'incompleteness.'

    Atheists are also reductionists and say that an ultimate equation can be found on the universe and thus that the universe can be completed (has and end).This belief is opposed to Godel's work on incompleteness.

    Godel's work on incompleteness associates with a theory of God and a universe that has no end. The modern creation theory I propose in my book aligns to Godel's incompleteness and thus has no end.

    Since Godel was a Platonist and Plato's Republic has a philosopher king, I believe that Godel's dictatorship cannot be equated to today's evil dictators.

    Thanks for the info, George


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