Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Future Life of My Book, "The First Scientific Proof of God"

In 2006, my book about God, intelligent design, and the creation shocked many scientists and logicians. This shock can be seen in and around August 2006 and May 2007 on my blogging on this website. These nonbelievers thought that God is nonexistence beginning in 1967 after the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of atheism and Madelyn O' Hair's request to remove praying from public schools. Because of this shock, I believe that the acceptance of my book will require more life and promotion. With this additional time, people will be convinced that theology and religion are sciences.

So, I will give the paperback version three more years of life beginning in June 2008. This means that I will not continue the more expensive hardcover version. So, if you want a hardcover copy, you must buy by June 8, 2008.

Thanks go to those futurists who already purchased my book.


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