Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, March 29, 2008

God, Freedom, and Immortality

Project Reason (click) was founded by Sam Harris, who is the author of the New York Times Bestseller, The End of Faith. (click) Project Reason (Harris et al) is expecting to prove that faith is false. The origin of Harris’ thoughts seems to exist in the thoughts of Immanuel Kant. The thoughts of interest in this blog are found in the Preface to Second Edition of Kant’s famous book on Critique of Pure Reason. (click) In this preface, Kant says that reason can be extended only to objects of possible experience and thus cannot be extended to the concepts of God, Freedom, and Immortality. So, Harris and his atheistic friends on Project Reason expect to build lines of reasoning that will not consider the concepts of God, Freedom, and Immortality.

Since Project Reason rejects God, it is working against the USA, which is a nation under God. The US godly nation was authorized in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. God was also included in the US Constitution when the words ‘to form a more perfect Union’ in the Preamble. The degrees of perfection of the Union are known only through God and the Laws of Nature’s God because God is the only perfect standard for measuring degrees of perfection.

Kant’s critique of pure reason took man beyond the Schools of Christianity (scholasticism). But, man, who has no end, progresses continually. Today, man has gone beyond Kant. This line of reasoning includes Abraham, Moses, Plato, Jesus Christ, Constantine, Nicholas of Cusa, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Cantor, and LaRouche. Today, my book, The First Scientific Proof of God, (click) is adding to this long line of reasoning. My line of reasoning shows that God, Freedom, and Immortality are true scientifically. I also show that faith never ends because our knowledge of God can never be completed. So, I expect the Project Reason to fail.

Unless people begin to study this line of reasoning, a beautiful world peace will never develop and man will be warring continually.


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