Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, November 17, 2008

Theological Science* Distinguishes the Whole Forming Mechanisms of Atheists from the Created Whole Forming Organisms of God

The subjects, physical science and theological science, have similar predicates because we are still ignorant about them and simply say that ‘physical science is whole forming’ and that ‘theological science is whole forming.’ To improve these sayings, we say more technically that the wholes formed by physical science are mechanisms and that the wholes formed by theological science are organisms.

Today’s physical and life scientists define the wholes of all nonliving and living things as mechanisms. To confirm this statement, look at a few of today’s published papers in the physical and life sciences. These papers always mention ‘mechanisms.’ This word also fills the papers of the National Institutes of Health. So, ever since the 1970s, many physical scientists, life scientists, and federal researchers have rejected God and do not distinguish nonliving and living things and call both of them mechanisms. I say that this rejection of God explains why many health care human problems cannot be solved.

Let’s think a bit deeper on the subjects of mechanisms and organisms. For some time, a mechanism has been defined as ‘a thing in which the whole is equal to the sum of its parts.’ Since the parts of a mechanism are finite in number, the parts of a mechanism can be counted. To test this statement, take any man-made thing (e.g., a car) apart and you can count its parts. So, this definition seems to apply only to man-made things. However, theological science defines an organism as ‘ a thing in which the whole is more than the sum of its parts.’ Before my scientific proof of God, the meaning of the words ‘more than’ was vague. But my proof of God gives these words a new meaning. With my proof, ‘more than’ means infinite. With this new meaning, every God-made thing has an infinite number of parts, which cannot be counted.

Interestingly, man learned that God-made and man-made things are different. For instance, in Ch. 6, p. 53 of "Galileo Galilei, His Life and Work" by R. J. Seeger, Galileo tells us that a geometrical line can be extended only with an infinite number of empty spaces and that gold is made up of an infinite number of indivisible parts. Did the Roman Church imprison Galileo for reasons other than challenging the Church teaching that earth is the center of the universe? Apparently, the Inquisition and the Roman Church have done considerable damage to the progress of man on the Continent.

In summary, this blog shows that the science of mechanisms applies only to man-made things whereas theological science applies only to God-made things. Since man has never made a sun or planet, it is clear in this blog that atheism is false and that my scientific proof of God is true.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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