Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Theological Science* Investigates the Empiricists and Rationalists

Empiricists and rationalists have fought for centuries. Empiricists say that knowledge comes from sense-experience. On the other hand, rationalists say that sense-experience is an inferior kind of knowledge and that a superior knowledge originates in our ability to reason. Today, most empiricists have become atheists and most rationalists have become believers in God.

Since these two different fields of thought define knowledge differently, they are now beginning to divide the people of the USA. For instance, in politics, the people are becoming either ‘liberals’ or ‘conservatives.’ However, these two political factions are not well defined because believers and atheists are found in both factions. So, the debates between the liberals and conservatives are often confusing because the contents of any debate must depend on a person’s own knowledge. As a rationalist and believer in God, I no longer enjoy political debates.

The division of people in the USA is also occurring in our governments because they cannot establish any religion. But no U.S. laws separate our governments from God. However, if I approach government as a theological scientist and ask for research funds, they would deny my request. Yet, if an atheist asks for funds from our governments, the request of the atheist will be satisfied. So, the division of people by the empiricists and rationalists is affecting our governments negatively.

The pic below will be found on page 222 of my book, "The First Scientific Proof of God." This pic explains how an electrical engineer uses reason to design better electronic devices. The bottom plane and upper plane displays a filter and oscillator respectively. The engineer sees ‘real versions of these devices,’ on the real number lines, and ‘an imaginary version of these devices’ in the rest of the two planes.. The mountains in both planes are infinities, which God put there. Our reason had to find this geometrical mathematical imaginary number system before we could see the mountains and their infinities. Obviously, metaphysics is a necessary mental activity.

As seen, empiricism and atheism are false theories. And isn’t it time to unify the people of the USA and change our governments so they are fair?

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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