Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXXII ( Reforming the Field of Religion, I)

The teachings in the field of religion have developed many unwanted human problems. These problems have been caused mostly by scriptures and the languages used by ancient scribes and those people who translate a scripture into a different language. After interpreting ancient scriptures for thousands of years, it became clear, in the 1920s that Western world linguistics would conclude that all sensual data are primarily symbolic.

In our modern time, mathematical scientists have found symbols that have precise meanings. With them, cause and effect events can be predicted. The symbols of scriptures are not coming from God, as if an infinite God can destroy himself and exist in our finite world, where God and man can communicate with each other. The symbols used by the field of religion are not precise and cannot predict any events. All scriptures are man-made and express different eras of man’s thoughts.

The life that God gave man is not well understood by any religion or person. But I believe that human life can be understood better and better if our thoughts about God and the universe become ‘consistent. For instance, it is consistent to distinguish the opposing concepts ‘infinite’ and ‘finite’ and give them different meanings.

One meaning would distinguish God and His universe. In this case, infinite would be an attribute of God and finite would be an attribute of each thing in His universe. The second meaning would treat infinite and finite as variables so that infinities and finites coexist. The second meaning would apply to Georg Cantor’s transfinite numbers. The second meaning allows us to view God and His universe as eternal partners. With this second meaning, human life never ends. With these two meanings, rebuilding America is a very rational human effort.

I believe that it is time for man to unify all religions.


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