Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXIV (Changing the World from Mechanism to Holism, II)

Donald Andrews, the author of "The Symphony of life," taught for thirty-six years at Johns Hopkins University. After he retired in Florida, he wrote his book and tossed away the four dimensional ‘space-time’ Universe used by today’s atheistic physicists. His book replaces this four dimensional universe with a multidimensional universe, which can be known with Georg Cantor’s transfinite numbers.

Andrews thus rejects the principle of indeterminacy, which says that the position and momentum of the electron in chemical atoms cannot be known precisely. Today’s atheist supports the indeterminacy principle and thus gives life to quantum mechanics and its development of imprecise knowledge about how the ‘parts’ of a whole function. However, Andrews wants to use quantum mechanics to find the determinacy of the waves found by Louis de Broglie. Earlier, Plato called these waves ‘forms.’ Such waves (or forms) give us a way to determine how all ‘wholes’ function.

For instance, drop a whole stone into a calm lake and watch this whole interact with the whole of a lake’s water. The interaction of this whole stone with the whole of the lake creates a circular wave, which moves away from the point of interaction. This wave becomes larger and larger and eventually interacts with the shore. Such waves are also created when the antenna of a radio broadcasting station creates an electromagnetic wave which interacts with your home antenna if your radio is on. These waves are found everywhere, even throughout your body. This is why some prescribed pills can have side effects. So, a new form of medical care will emerge in the near future if atheism is removed from the USA.

But I must disagree with Andrews when he says that the existence of God and the human soul cannot be proven. I have proven God scientifically. In my proof of God, I consider God as a pure whole (without parts), which is the origin of all finite things in the universe. Leibniz proves the existence of’ monads, which I speak of as spiritual atoms in my book. Leibniz’s monads are the necessary atoms of the universe because each different ‘unity within a multiplicity’ gives every thing in the universe an identity. This unity within a multiplicity is a twoness. This twoness is spoken of as ‘permanence and change’ in things by dialecticians. So, the concepts Oneness, Twoness, and Threeness must be viewed as divine numbers.

In this blog, I am rejecting the atheist idea that a whole is the sum bof the parts. Instead, I am saying (1) that all wholess in the universe are more than the sume of the partsome wholes and (2) that pure whols are immortal and exist in God and and all spiritual atoms.


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