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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXIX (How to solve an economic crisis)

Currently, world leaders are meeting in England to discuss today’s economic crisis, which is growing after U.S. unemployment began to grow. President Obama’s answer is a stimulus. Some other world leaders agree with Obama’s stimulus whereas other world leaders favor welfare instead of a stimulus.

A stimulus was recently rejected in the USA when the U.S. Republican party tarred President Obama and his allies as ‘socialists.’ But the S-word can mean anything that Republicans want it to be. I view a Republican as a person who wants to make things that can be purchased or sold in a free market. So making bridges, police and fire departments, parks, lakes, flood control systems, sewage systems, reservoirs, highways, new educational facilities, and free health care are signs of socialism, Yet a socialist magazine says that President Obama is not a socialist and might not even be a liberal.

I say that President Obama thinks of the USA as a social democracy because every free nation must provide a free market and necessary services for every community. These free markets and services must expand because a nation must develop continuously based on long term national goals. Such goals are necessary because the sun will darken. We must develop continuously because we must learn how to transport all people to a new home on another planet.

So, our leaders and politicians must rise to a higher level of thought.


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