Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

My Participation on The Reason Project

I have been making comments on on The Reason Project on the Internet. (click) Iam participating on this project as a defender of god against materialism and atheism and to defend the U.S. Declaration of Independence, to defend its first two paragraph, which defines the Union of all U.S. citizens, and to connect the Declaration of independence to the U.S. Constitution, as required by the two-party social contract of John Locke.

One series of comments dealt with the question "What should science do? Sam Harris v. Philip Ball." My personal participationn began with comment 145 and ended at comment 335. (click) As you will see, materialists and atheists seek full control of the discussion. of this question.

A second series of comments dealt with "The Strange Case of Francis Collins," who is being considered as the new leader of the National Institutes of Health. My personal participationn began with comment 228 and many comments are still being enteredg today. (click) As you will see, materialists and atheists also seek full control of the discussion of this case.

These two series are recorded in The Reason project and have recorded the most comments by far because of my activity to defend God and because I offer the first scientific proof of God. (click)


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