Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Socialism in the USA

The meaning if the term 'socialism' has been defined many different ways today on television and newspapers. Socialism is often identified with communism and Marxism.

Walter E. Williams. is a writer of the Creators Syndicate and teaches economics at Mason University. Today, he gives his meaning of socialism in my local newspaper. In his article, he identifies many leaders of socialism, such as Fidel Castro, Stalin, Mussolini, Moa Tsetung, ... etc. Williams says, "There's little, no distinction between Nazism, socialism. "Williams is wrong because it is clear that he misinterprets the U.S. founding documents.

As a free market economist, Williams does not interpret the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution honestly. In the Preamble of the Constitution, the founders said, "We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, .......: And in the Declaration of Independence, the founders said, ...."all Men are created equal, ..."

In the USA, socialism means "to form a more perfect Union for all Men." Clearly, Williams is dishonest and appears to be a writer for the wealth class of people in the USA.


  • At 8:16 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    Sorry George but Walter E. Williams is a respected economist and writer. In fact he is one of the most intelligent and articulate speakers on the history of our republic and the economic structures of the countries of the world.
    I have seen him debate socialists and he destroys them everytime by using facts and logic and historical text. He has authored over twenty books on economics as well as being a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur among other influential economic publications.
    If you're going to trying to impugn someon's character at least get their name right and research their work.

  • At 10:46 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Hi David,
    Thanks for spotting my error on Wolliams name. As seen I am not a good newspaper man. The macular degeneration of my eyes is a problem.

    But you and I disagree over Williams. With Williams and other free market economists, US citizens woul still use out houses, reservoirs, sewage systems, etc. without the development of infrastructure for human life.

    Williams does not understand the founding principles of the USA. For instance, the Preamble in the Constitution mandates 'to form a more perfect Union.' This is a mandate for development. Williams also does not understand the Declaration of Independence and its mandate "all men are created equal.' These two mandates are the basic differences in the debates over health care.


  • At 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    see george even wilkinson does not understand the fallacy of dualism.

    in wilkinsons's mind it is either capitalism or socialism. no middle path.

    even as capitalism self destructs the capitalist paradigm is so powerful they want more of the same.

    ignorance knows no boundries.

    capitalism is treated in america as patroitism.

    no one helped to destroy the wealth of this country more than reagan economics.

    and americans want more.

  • At 3:13 PM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    Do we really to go over economic history. The capitalist system made the USA the envy of the world and gives everyone a chance to succeed in it succeeds the most when government intrudes the least. What people want to call the collapse of capitalism was the direct result of government intervention and greed (a truly toxic combination to be sure)
    In no way do I equate capitalism with patriotism. I'm patriotic in that I am proud of my country and want everyone here to succeed based on their work and merits. The fact that I believe capitalism is the best system for that is based on research and experience.
    Let's face it one of the most successful businessmen here hate America to it's core so that pretty much ruins Anonymous's statement.

  • At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    “The fact that I believe capitalism is the best system for that is based on research and experience.”

    This is a perfect example of the paradigm of dualism could not have written a better example myself.

    The interesting thing about paradigms that in spite of the evidence of on going self-destruction we want more of the same. As capitalism self-destructs those with a capitalist paradigm want more of the same.

    Due to paradigms it is almost impossible to see the fallacies of capitalism; paradigms have that much control over the human mind.

    Capitalism self destructed in 1929 then Roosevelt and world war II bailed it out with regulations then Reagan put capitalism back on steroids and now the Chinese are bailing it out to sell us stuff. And we named an airport and a military ship after him. Ignorance knows no boundaries.

    The people that promote capitalism know little about human nature and spiritual laws that govern the universe, which includes persons and nations. Most religious folks know little about these spiritual laws that have karmic effects when violated.

    With communism man exploits man with capitalism it is the other way around.

    Capitalism is designed to exploit the many for the benefit the few. Capitalism will allow mega corp. profits off the sick and needy, mega industrial military complex, mega military, nation building, promotes imperialism for profits, wars for profits for the few, destroys unions, etc.

    Capitalism is materialism defined and Survival of the fittest. Both will self-destruct not as punishment but as a blessing.

  • At 10:08 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    It appears that we will have to agree to disagree. Apparently you have some innate hatred of Reagan and you are more than likely a Democratic Socialist. Neither of which concerns me as I believe everyone has a right to their opinions and beliefs.
    Amazing how I as a white, Christian, conservative, southern, straight male I have a more open mind and am far more accepting of others than the "enlightened" minds on the left.

  • At 11:18 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David,,

    I believe that both Anonymous and I are challenging capitalism because we have knowledge of the current negative progress of capitalism. This negativity is factual. For instance, 90% of the households own one-third of the nation's wealth; that 9% of the households own 0ne-third of the nation's wealth; and 1% of the households own one-third of the nation's wealth. This data was published by the Federal Reserve/IRS in the 1990's. Is this wide separation of the nation's wealth moral and consistent with our founding and the mandate of Constitution "to form a more perfect Union."

    Doesn't the social contract between our Union and our Government require the national government to provide security to 'all' US citizens. How can the national government secure 'all citizens' when the capitalists call for small government. The great results, for example, the USDA and space programs, are only some of the evidence that public and private sectors must work together.

    I don’t believe that capitalists even know how to lead the people of any nation. Greed and immoral behaviors cannot build a nation under God. A free market economy will never build a progressive and moral nation. By supporting pure capitalism, you might be fooling yourself and your family, Dave. I have not found a perfect economy yet.


  • At 11:54 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    George, you and I agree that there is no perfect economy because economies are guided by we flawed human beings.
    I believe in capitalism but no unfettered capitalism. I believe in the role of the government in terms of regulation, licensing and laws but not a nanny state with cradle to grave care that diminishes inginuity and initiative.
    One salient quote comes to mind, "if the government takes care of everyone who will take care of the government ?

  • At 4:01 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David and Anonymous,

    Yes David, but govwernment must secure 'all people' equally as a nation progreses. But too often only a fraction of the population are secured and the mandate 'all Men are created equal' is lost. This is when a few number of citizens begin to control the U.S. governmnet and the Peoble become slaves.

    A security problem is seen in today's arguments over health care. Governmnet does not develop health care science and technology only to make insurance workers and owners rich. The needs of people change as time passes. When our governmnet funds research and development to solve such needs, a few persons cannot become rich.

    The minds of people don't work properly on this way of thinking because our English language is ugly and filled with absolutes such as 'capitalism.'

    Interestingly, former President Climton and England's Terry Blair knew these linguistic problems. They viewed socialism as a varible, not an absolute. They sought a middle economy in between capitalism and socialism.

    To get rid of these ugly absolutes, we must recognize that a new economy would oppose capitalism. To find this new economy, one must think with negatives, for instance, with the term 'not-capitalism.'I used negation to find a positive attribute of God. I negated 'all finite' and had to find the positive meaning of 'not-finite.' I found that not-finite means'infinite,' which turned out to be only one positive attribute of God.

    So anti-capitalists must find the real meaning of 'not-capitalism.' One possible meaning is the positive term 'socialism.' My argument is that socialism is developing into the new economy of the USA.

    However, if the U.S. governmnet decides to move the USA towards, a new economy will appear. With this appearance comes change, as President Obama recognized. With change, the old economy is transformed into the new economy. But this is not a logical change. It is not logical because some of the old economy remains whereas some of the old economy does changes. This change would be nothing other than a 'national development,' for example, a new 'health care economy.'

    Unfortunately, today's materialists and atheists do not understand 'development.' They can only think with logic.

    Many US citizens are unfamiliar with development and don't even want to learn about it. They might learn if they discover 'changes' and why changes are necessary.


  • At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    “Amazing how I as a white, Christian, conservative, southern, straight male I have a more open mind and am far more accepting of others than the "enlightened" minds on the left”

    One of my interests is the human mind. Once we announce we have an open mind we don’t. If we have to announce we are a straight male; we have doubts that we are a straight male.

    The human mind is very deceptive. I taught hundreds of seminars on business improvement and I learned one thing if a person on the first day while introducing themselves talked about how open minded they were they were not open minded.

    As far as being a Christian from my point of view in America for most Christians Christianity died on the cross. We make mega profits off the sick and needy, we have millions without health care, we fight wars for profits, we have a mega size military that Ike warned us about; the list is long and not in line with Jesus teachings.

    There is a world of difference between a religion and spiritually. Capitalism is based more on Darwinism than Jesus’ teachings. Without realizing it people that call themselves Christians and support capitalism are really supporting Darwinism. Survival of the fittest is the cry of capitalism and fox noise.

    Started another way you cannot be a capitalist and be a Christian. You can be an atheist and be a capitalist. Few very few repubs will understand my words.

    And you have this belief in either socialism or capitalism. That is dualism defined. Dualism is based on the idea of a separation from God. There is us and God, there is capitalism and socialism, etc. the fear tactic to control the masses in America used to be communism. Capitalists are very smart people to own most of the wealth of a nation. The human ego thrives on the idea of wealth, power, and this separation from God. It wants its will to be separate from God’s will in spite of what Jesus stated.

    Notice you mentioned white. You may want to do some serious reflection on your words such as white, straight, and open-minded. Sorry that was unsolicited advice and trespassing. We are much more conditioned than we could ever realize. Far beyond our imaginations.

  • At 8:21 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    But George you said you and Anonymous were in agreement that there was not dualism and you just said that using negative thought that by not capitalism would be socialism.
    Change is difficult and people get accustomed to the tried and true and just as many Americans do not want to move toward a socialist type economy many Europeans are resisting a move to a more capitalist like system even though they have seen the damage a socialist type economy can bring.
    All economies have their pros and cons, even South Pacific tribes that used stones and berries as currency ended up having ruthless takeovers as well as entrepreneurs as they sought to find ways of possessing the most stones and berries. The point I'm making is that if the stones and berries were given out equally with no qualification for getting them and no incentive to gain more the tribes would have ceased to exist.
    I agree some change is needed with our economy but if my car has a flat tire I don't junk the car and get a new one and even if I did I would want a mechanic to check it out and I would take a seies of test drives. Why isn't this principle applied to the health care debate? I'm all for health care reform (I work in human services so I know there is plenty of waste, fraud and abuse in the system), but I want it to be done in a reasonable, logical, effective and efficient way (I know that's WAAAAYYY too much to ask from government.)
    It appears we want the same ends George we just disagree on the path to get there and chances are there's a path neither of us has considered.

  • At 9:28 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Anonymous,

    The website of the anti-Christian, Sam Harris of Stanford University,erased most of my comments on his new project called 'The Reason Project' In my comments I generally defend God and discuss why materialism and atheism will fail.

    In one comment I had asked, 'When materialists complete knowledge of the universe, will the universe come to an end?' And if the universe doesn't end after all knowledge was found, I asked, will the materialist go to sleep and wait for the end to come? No one responded.

    Most people do not understand that if God is eternal, we are also eternal. So every human has a continuous life after each death. Unfortunately, many people believe that live only in the 'here and now.' Thus they have little knowledge of history and the real work of Gesus Christ. And they have little knowledge of the future.

    Since man lives forever, the human mind must remain open at all times. You have added words based on sound experience.


  • At 10:35 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Hi David,

    A duaklism implies logic. Capitalism cannot stand alone because it would be absolute and be a god. Capitalism requires power and a direction in order to make a nation's perfections measurable. In a nation of spirits, personal responsibilities are not enough. All spirits in a nation have social as well as personal responsibilities. Thus comperition without cooperation will not work. So capitalism is the power and ssocialism is the direction of a spiritual nation. As socialism expands as a result of the spiritual power, health care, for instance, becomes available to all citizens. Communism can't produce this power and content because it has no God!!!!!.

    LeI me return to the Constitution and the mandate to the U.S. government 'to form a more perfect Union.' This is a clear mandate. So, only the way of measuring perfections of the Union is hidden from us.

    I conclude that Congress is not trying to find a way to measure the changing perfections of our nation. Instead of developing knowledge of the laws of nature and nature's God,' as mandated in the Declaration of Independence, Congress assumes that the money in an economy is the measures of the perfections in the nation.

    By using this mmeasurment system, Congress is viewing the USA as a machine with parts. This machine only requires a single design (supply and demand subsystems, guaranted inflation, unemployment rates, stability, depression cycles, limited government, etc. and a periodic oiling schedule.

    Dave, can't you see that this one kind of economic machine will destroy a nation of spirits? We need to develop a real future, one that is actually perfecting the USA.


  • At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Capitalism must self-destruct. What we sow we reap. If it did not self-destruct that would mean there were no spiritual principles or laws that operate in the universe and therefore the teachings of Jesus would be invalid.

    Capitalism is self-destructing right before our eyes and rather than see that capitalism is the culprit we blame people. One must always look for systemic causes of defects that the system is providing. Instead we want to try and fix the system by applying more of the same within the existing paradigm. More Reagan economics of free trade and tax cuts for the rich and less safety nets for the less fortunate.

    With communism man exploits man with capitalism it is the other way around and few will understand those words. The exploitation of the middle class is happening right before our eyes. One insurance CEO made 700 million in five years off the sick and needy. Darwinism and capitalism doing the very thing it is intended to do to create a society of haves and have nots, with just a few haves. 1%

    Paradigm shifts must come from those outside the existing paradigm as those with the existing paradigm find it impossible to see outside their existing paradigm such as capitalism. Granted the mind wants to be challenged and trying to provide everything for everyone and meet all their needs is just as self-destructive. There may be a middle path. The same people that were against social security and Medicare are the same people with the same mind set (Darwinism and selfishness and fear) that are now against universal health care.

    They are Darwinists and don’t have a clue they are. Materialism and Darwinism has taken over the mindset of America and now we are paying the price in economic decline, moral decline, and a nation of lonely people where many of our children have taken to drugs.

    Religion is not the answer as religion in America is more Darwin than in alignment with the teachings of Jesus. Look at those against universal health care and almost to a person they are traditional fundamentalist religious people. Religion and spiritually are two different modes of being in the world.

    Religion is often about guilt and being saved whereas spiritually may be more about providing meaning to our lives and part of that meaning is providing health care and service to the sick and needy. It is a national shame that we don’t have universal health care like other industrialized countries. Capitalism doing its thing in the form of Darwinism and materialism.

    Mega profits off the sick and needy goes against every teaching that Jesus made, everyone. A personal devil could have not come up with a more destructive device for a society than capitalism and communism. And most religious fundamentalists worship at the altar of capitalism. Go figure.

    When communism failed capitalists cheered only to watch 30 years later his or her own brand of economic ideology fail. Russia tried a pure form of capitalism after communism failed only to find it created a few billionaires and no middle class. Without a middle class a society is unstable and prone to revolution, often bloody revolutions.

  • At 8:20 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    See, we can agree that pure capitalism or pure socialism are equally destructive and a measured economy utilizing models from both would be best but as I said before we mere mortals somehow find ways of messing it up as everyone pursues their own agenda.
    I'm wondering what your measurement for a good ewconomy would be George. I know you're not a fan of traditional methods of measuring the economy and as the old saying goes there are lies, damned lies and statistics so what would the answer be? That's more of a rhetorical question but if you have something please let me know.

  • At 8:46 AM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    The reason I use the white, Christian, conservative, straight, white, male identifiers is because it tweeks those on the left that state that those attributes are what has destroyed America. It goes back to people's all or nothing mentality. People think that if you believe in religion you can't appreciate science. There's is a great book called "Galileo Goes to Jail" which destroys the myths of Religion vs Science that have been perpetuated over time.
    I am only one person and my views are mine and will be quite different from others and I rejoice in that fact. So when I say I am white I rejoice that there are many other colors represented. When I say I am Christian I rejoice in the fact that there are many views and teachings. I pray for atheists (knowing they don't like it is one reason but knowing that God may one day touch their heart as a result is the main reason) I am conservative, not in the Republican party sense of the word but in a founder's view of what government should do for the nation and what it shouldn't do.
    I am southern in that I was born in Virginia and spent my first eleven years there. Even though I am in West Virginia I describe myself as southern and I do not like it when certain people (Bll Mahr is a good example)denigrate an entire region because a number of people in that region do not share their views.
    Yes I am heterosexual but for some reason even that irritates some people.
    I am male and yes that also irritates some people so when you put all of those things together it's a given that I'm going to irritate someone every day and I accept that as a badge of honor

  • At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    “I am male and yes that also irritates some people so when you put all of those things together it's a given that I'm going to irritate someone every day and I accept that as a badge of honor”

    Not sure irritating people should be a badge of honor but I notice my writing style is very harsh and often irritating so I think I have some work to do in that part of my life.

    As far a bill mahr he is one of my favorites on TV. He is more spiritual than most Christians that I know yet he is an atheist. He reveals himself every week as someone that is anti religious and quite frankly has not done his research. Atheists are not well-informed people, as most religious are not well informed. I do not consider myself a Christian but I do accept most of Jesus teachings as valid. I belong to no religious or political organizations. I found early in my research once we identify with any organization or institution or religion we have a tendency to become bias. History is full of bias beliefs and research.

    There are some things people can do for themselves and others they cannot do. And health care is one of those people need gov intervention as medical care in this country has become profit oriented not people oriented. Few of the so called conservatives fail to see the purpose of gov. now I don’t think we will get decent health care for all until over 50% of the population is in trouble in America with their health care insurance.

    America is a very selfish and materialistic country and 30 million without health care and pre existing conditions that leave most people without health insurance is not that troublesome for most Americans. Capitalism by its very nature as an economic and political system will create a selfish and materialistic society. Economic, religious, and political systems have a great influence on human behavior.

    Capitalism by its very nature must and will self-destruct, as we are witness to this self-destruction now due to karma. Capitalism is not based in love but in materialism and survival of the fittest. All totally against the teachings of Jesus and all great religions.

    Before cigarette smoking was reduced to less than 50% I heard all the same arguments about the constitution. This is not a Christian nation; this is a nation of materialists. Making mega profits off the sick and needy is not Christian but materialism and Darwinism. Capitalism is not based on Christianity but materialism and Darwinism and the conservative Christian tea party folks don’t have a clue they are practicing the very best of Darwinism. Ignorance knows no boundaries but then without ignorance there is no us as separate entities or beings.

    If there were no imperfection in creation nothing would distinguish it from the creator

  • At 4:11 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to David,

    On measuring an economy, I have two suggestions. One is the Riemann-LaRouche economy. This economy winds upwardly on the surface of a geometrical cone. Cross-cuts on the cone would then tell us of the content of the economy, as a pie chart would show. The changing content would measure degree of 'relative' perfections the economy is producing on an annual basis.

    If the economy is not perfecting the economy, the economy must be winding on a geometrical cylinder. This is the stable economy of the banking system. But who needs banks? As Ben Franklin says, "When the people need money, print some." The stable economy means trouble. And if the content is decreasing, the economy is winding back down the cone and can be expected to degenerate and will self-destruct.

    The second method of measuring an economy is to measure itse moral content with the 'laws if Nature's God' found in the Declaration of Independence These morals can be measured by identifying each pair of opposites that connect God to the things we find in the universed (Rom.1:20). For instance, I found that God's infinite attribute is connected to every finite thing in the universe. Since God's attributes are infinite, we can never complete this economy.


  • At 1:51 PM, Anonymous David S. Wilkinson said…

    Once again Anonymous we have agreement in some areas and disagreement in others. I'm not a fan of Mahr's but I give him credit for knowing how to entertain his fan base. I wish his panels were more balanced but it's his show so he can call the shots. I tend to look for the best in things as I am an eternal optimist (someimes to my own detriment) so I look at the good America has done and continues to do. Does America have it's faults?, of course. As a teacher and lecturer of history I always try to present both sides to the best of my ability and the student can determine their own take on it. I just get a little riled when some people seek out only the negative and don't want to hear the positive. I've found the best answers are closer to the middle so I entertain both sides. I listen to Bill O'Reilly as well as Keith Olberman. I listen to Thom Hartman as well as Rush Limbaugh. I'll read Thomas Sowell and Nolm Cholmsky. Yes, there are times I feel my head will explode as some of these folks manage to be both sanctimonious and sophomoric at the same time but if that's what it takes to broaden my knowledge I have to soldier on. As my father used to say if you only listen to people you agree with you'll only learn what you already know.

  • At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    “As my father used to say if you only listen to people you agree with you'll only learn what you already know.”

    You were very fortunate to have such a father. I am very impressed you listen to both sides. I also listen to both sides. When the Vietnam War was raging I attended the students against the war discussions and also attended the students for the war discussions. As far as I could tell I was the only student on campus that did this.

    After two decades of study into the mysteries of life I have come to suspect maybe even believe that there are spiritual truths that exist in the universe for individuals, nations and indeed the world. If these “truths” are not adhered to then karma kicks in and ill side effects occur.

    We as a world have not figured out how to create economic strategies as yet to maximize the potential of each individual. Maybe we never will because I also believe that this world is inhabited by both new souls and older souls and lots of levels of soul development between the two.

    Capitalism by its very nature is designed to create a society of haves and have nots, mostly have nots. If one looks close this idea of free trade is a mirage. The rich have always been smarter in economics terms than those that put less emphasis on materialism.

    Without the regulations of Roosevelt and the Second World War were we were the only game in town we would not have had the prosperity we had until the early 70’s. Reagan economics put capitalism on steroids and we see the results up close and personal. Capitalist paradigms are so powerful those results are denied by most demos and all repubs alike.

    I knew Dutch Reagan and how he hated unions and even the middle class. Because of the aggressive style of management in America we need unions. But then even unions became aggressive as they had the same paradigms as management.

    The good news we will learn in America what works and what does not work but not until we suffer much economic decline. We appear to be heading for a third world economic nation status as ignorance, arrogance, greed, and imperialism has a price.

    If you are unable to see America’s imperialism than I suspect patriotism and nationalism has overwhelmed your rational mind. We are now in two unwinable wars and one illegal war and occupation for oil. And we have 700 military bases around the world and many republicans and even some demos talk about American dominance in the world. The very definition of imperialism.

    As a side note I belong to no political party; in my mind neither party represents the people of America. I.e. corp fascism has come to America.

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Anonymous

    Tomorrow, I will add a new blog on capitalism in support of your statement that capitalism creates haves and mostly have nots.


  • At 2:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so naïve as it is almost impossible for me to believe that someone indeed anyone can not see that making mega profits off the sick and needy is anything but Christian. I mean such a condition goes against everything Jesus taught. Also having the largest standing military in the world goes against everything Jesus taught. Having 700 military bases around the world is imperialism defined and goes against everything Jesus taught. Having a mega size industrial military complex goes against everything Jesus taught.

    This nation is more about Darwinism than Christianity. Survival of the fittest is the sounding call in America or I got mine now you get yours. I hear all the time people on the news talking about keeping American dominance in the world and for the life of me I cannot find in Jesus teachings about a nation having dominance in the world.

    If I believed in a personal devil that devil could not think of a better way to divide a country and make it greedy, selfish, self righteous, arrogant, materialistic, and militaristic than an economic system called capitalism. Capitalism is one of the most destructive economic systems in the world. Always profits over people no matter what the cost in human suffering.

    With communism man exploits man with capitalism it is the other way around. We see this exploitation everywhere we look in America. This is not a democracy this is corp. fascism. Few understand what Roosevelt did for America by installing regulations to keep capitalism in check. And of course after world war two we were the only game in town. We took it, as we were something special.

    Even today most Americans talk about being the best of everything. Wealth can be as harsh of a teacher as poverty. We borrow and print massive amounts of money to keep our brand of capitalism afloat.

    We cheered when communism failed not realizing we were next with our brand of capitalism.

    The good news our economic decline will halt or at least slow down our imperialism for resources and nation building for world dominance. Also third world countries are starting their own industrial revolution and this economic dependency between nations may join countries together and we will quit bombing and fighting one another.

    Nationalism and patriotism can overwhelm the rational mind. One only has to look at history for that happening time and time again.

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