Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why Congress Can Deny a Religion

The development of the United States of America in 1776 was a major political event. However, religious and language events occurred after the founding documents were signed. These events brought problems of interpreting the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution by all U.S. Courts. I do not believe that our Courts are aware of these religious and language problems.

The religious event was the initial appearance of panentheism in 500 B.C. Panentheism reappeared in the teaching of Jesus Christ at John 14:20. It reappeared in the 15th century through Nicholas of Cusa, in the 18th century through Gottfried Leibniz, and has grown fast worldwide in the 21st century. This new religion challenges the 18th century Enlightenment and today's Materialism. (click)

The language event occurred in the 1920s when the studies of Western linguists recognized that 'sensual data are primarily symbolic.' Interestingly, Nicholas of Cusa had announced the human problem of sensing with symbols in his 1440 book, 'On Learned Ignorance.'

Panentheism tells us that a monotheistic God is incomprehensive. But we can understand God's acts if we study the Creatures that God made, as Paul said at Rom. 1;20, and identify rights that God gave us. This is why the founders mandated in the Declaration of Independence the 'Laws of Nature' (science) and 'Laws of Nature's God' (morals). Some of the rights that God gave us are used to form a self-government that secures us. The self-government was defined by the founders as an amendable Constitution so that rights could be added, changed, or removed, as the Union becomes more perfect.

A nation should never develop an unchanging language or scripture because our rights come from God and are always changing and being perfected. For this reason, the U.S. government should work with religions that are dynamic and are improving.

Should Muslims be allowed to place a mosque near ground zero of the 9/11 event in New York City? I say that the U.S. government should deny this 'ground zero' place to Islam because of Islam's terrorism, religious fundamentalism, and arbitrary rites. While Congress can make no law respecting an establishment of religion, since the USA is a nation under God, Congress can make law that denies arbitrary rights.


  • At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You sir are wrong. If you wish to have religious liberty for yourself, you cannot take that same liberty away from those of another religion.

    Nowhere in the constitution or declaration of independence is the word "jesus" or "savior" written.

    We are not a christian nation; merely a nation with too many christians.

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to Anonymous,

    Perhaps you have not learned that science can now develop scientific proofs in the field of religion. Thus, if a religion is teaching a scientifically proven false statement, the U.S. Congress can deny this teaching in the USA. In my book, "The First Scientific Proof of God' can deny a religion that opposes this proof because Laws of Nature and Nature's God are laws in the USA because they are in the Declaration of Independence.

    Your liberty is not absolute. This is why you cannot yell 'fire' in a crowded theater when there is no fire.

    Further, if a single religion is to be established in the USA, the Constitution could be amended. If this amendment was ever made, no other religions would be tolerated. Such an amendment becomes more possible when the field of science finds more proofs about God.

    Christianity will never become the single religion of the USA because Jesus is not God. Only the scientific proofs of God coild ever become the only religion of the USA.



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