132. President Obama's Inaugural Speech
I say that my book, A New and Modern Holy Bible With The Intelligent Deign Of An Active God,' is in full agreement with President Obama. My book focuses on God and Many Little Gods, brings God and the universe together, and gives new lives to all Little Gods after they die. Some Little Gods are Big Thinkers. They are Abraham, Moses, Anaxagoras, Plato, Jesus, Muhammad, Anselm, Cusa, Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo Leibniz, Ben Franklin, etc. For two centuries, their teachings were impeded by the hoarding money exchangers.
My book corrects the minds of all Little Gods, who appeared on Earth about 4.4 million years ago. 9,000 years ago, some good Little Gods developed counting tokens. 5000 years later, these good Little Gods added ‘symbols’ to the counting tokens. With symbols, the Little Gods learned how to count and measure the things that God made. Unfortunately, some Little Gods tried to define God with the symbols of created things. They failed because God is an unknown being. Thus, we can only learn God's acts .To find His acts, God gave us a new life after each death.
I believe that the U.S. Republicans are focused only on the U.S. economy. If they studied God and the universe, they might understand President's speech and my book.
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