Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, April 13, 2013

217. The Fall of the USA.

To make a democracy under God , a social contract theory must be installed. To install the social contract theory, two laws are required, the Declaration of Independence (DOI) and the Constitution. These two laws are necessary because all democracies under God have Little Gods that function in private or public sectors.

The USA made a democracy under God. This democracy installed the social contract theory of England's John Locke, which is described in  The Second Treatise of Government. Below I show how the USA was made.

On July 4, 1776, the USA  became a new nation. It was named 'The United States of America.' The  first law was made by the First Continental Congress and was called the DOI. This law has two paragraphs of laws and authorized Locke's private Society. Locke's Society was identified  by Ben Franklin scientifically as 'one People.' The remaining laws of the DOI authorized the war against England. Then, in 1787, the second law was made by the Second Continental Congress.  These laws were is called the Constitution and authorizes Locke's public Government.

After Ben Franklin died and President Lincoln was assassinated, the USA changed quickly.  Today, the U.S. is losing its democracy. It has lost its God when it lost its DOI. Now its beginning to lose its Lockean Society and Government. With these important losses, the USA could lose its science, mathematics, and its world leadership.

I conclude that many U.S. Little Gods do not know God or do not believe in God.


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