Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

207. Stopping War Machines

My recent newspaper reported that Syria's military is murdering six thousand of Little Gods every month. Doesn't this military operation know that some of these murdered Syrian Little Gods had lived in other nations when they died and were reborn as children in Syria. To save the lives of reborn Little Gods, all world military operations on this planet must stop. So, it is time for Syria's leader to learn how and why God created Little Gods on this planet.

I conclude that the first permanent military operation  emerged from the first free deductive economy at Athens, Greece.  But at that time, the Little Gods did not know much about the universe. Even these early Little Gods did not even respond to Jesus' teaching at Matt. Ch. 24 that the sun will darken.  Today, the deductive economies continue, as if Jesus said nothing at all.

It is time to destroy all deductive economies.  Then, the inductive economies must be installed in every nation.  If inductive economies are not built, wars will not stop and God's Little Gods will be murdered continually by war machines. If inductive economies are made, the Little Gods will be saved, all nations will work together, and our trip to planet Mars will be a step 'forward' to life on other planets.  (deductive vs. inductive)     


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