Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, December 13, 2013

349. The New Testament Is Filled With Errors

The rebirth of humans is a truth because God and the universe form a single world that had no beginning and has no end. Such a single world was identified by Anaxagoras of Greece and Confucius of China around 500 B.C.. A single world was first confirmed by Plato in his Parmenides dialogue,  Based on Plato's confirmation, Neoplatonism started and grew. (click)  I conclude that Jesus became a neoplatonist soon after he became twelve years old and lost his fights with the money exchangers. At age 30, Jesus returned from Greece to teach the single world to the Jewish people.

Since a single world has no beginning and has no end, the teaching of Jesus would be rejected by the Jews immediately because Moses said that the work of God ended on the 7th day. Thus, to maintain the God of the Jews and accept the dying universe of the Jews, Jesus had to be eliminated by putting him on the Cross.

Accordingly, the New Testament is teaching deism for over 20 centuries.  This is wrong because the teaching of Jesus is panentheism, the active God of a never-ending universe. Furthermore, the disciples of Jesus could not learn in three years what Jesus learned in Greece in eighteen years


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