Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, January 01, 2016

878. Donald Trump VS Hillary Clinton

The USA political  debates are slowly identifying the  new republican and democratic presidents. These two potential presidents will run into the scientific laws of the Declaration of Independence and the non-scientific laws of the Constitution.

On July 4, 1776, the thirteen American colonies authorized the Declaration of Independence (DOI). In their minds, the American people also identified the concept, Society. And, on January 2, 1778, the thirteen American colonies authorized the Constitution.  In their minds, the American people also identified the concept, Government. However, the DOI was never updated.

The Declaration of Independence (DOI) must be changed because the colonists learned that John Locke defined free nations as The True Original, Extent, and End of Civil Government. The motion of this Civil Government was defined by Society and Government. And Locke's book is The Second Treatise of Government. (click)

In a letter to me on March 26, 2008, Senator John D. Rockefeller IV said:
While the Declaration of Independence is not considered law in the same sense that the Constitution is considered law, throughout our nation's history, it has been based upon by the Supreme Court in order to frame the historical context of legal and constitutional issues. Additionally, the Constitution embodies the ideals of the Declaration of Independence by outlining our form of government and preserving which we hold so clear.

The statement that 'the Declaration of Independence is not considered law in the same sense that the Constitution is considered law' is troublesome because scientific laws exist in the DOI and Constitution. I conclude that many lawyers do not understand scientific laws.

The USA and all other nations must develop the DOI and the Constitution because the humans of all nations must develop the Perfect Civil Government. Developing wars, terrorism, crime, and using drugs must be terminated now. And, the States of the USA must give life to its DOI immediately.

Since Donald Trump's mind is new to many humans and government, could Trump produce the tough changes that I identify above. And could Trump also see that the States need more power of the DOI immediately.

My books about God and the Universe are in agreement with the work of Gottfried Leibniz:

1. The First Scientific Proof of God (2006), 271 pages, (click)
2. A New and Modern Holy Bible (2012), 189 pages.
3. God And His Coexistent Relations To The Universe. (2014), 429 pages


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