Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, September 25, 2006

God Has No Language Except When He Appears in our World

If God is monotheistic, it is true that God is one and infinite, has no parts, and has no discursive languages such as those languages we create and use for different purposes. Further, if God is monotheistic, it is also true that God has no oppositions such as the Devil, Satan, and demons. Without oppositions, it is also true that nothing exists in between God and all created things. Thus, God and the universe are the only existing things in the world.

Beyond the nonbelievers in God, three beliefs in God exist --- deism, theism, and panentheism. A deist believes that God is not active in created things. A theist believes that God is active in everything in the universe. A panentheist adds to theism by also believing that all created things are images of God, similar to the way ducklings are images of the Mother Duck in the picture. I am a panentheist but also believe that God and the universe are endless and are thus eternal partners.

Since a monotheistic God has no discursive language, my research concluded that a God, who gives freedom, must be active and must be active to teach wisdom to freedom-seeking human audiences using a discursive language. Without theses teachings, man’s knowledge could not become wiser and wiser. To teach divine wisdom, I conclude that God must appear in a human body to teach human audiences wise living and wise sciences. I conclude that divine teachings are unique teachings and can be found only in the New Testament in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

My research concluded that an active and monotheistic God can communicate to humans only by appearing in our world as both creator and creature. But, how does an infinite God come into a finite world like ours? My answer came after I discovered that all things in the universe are images of God and are formed out of spiritual atoms. My decision to use spiritual atoms in my modern creation theory thus answers the old question: what makes it possible for a monotheistic God to function as both creator and creature?


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