Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, October 28, 2006

A System Approach to God and the Universe

My proof of the existence of God is not the only breakthrough in my recent book ---The First Scientific Proof of God. In this book I also show how a finite universe is connected to an infinite God. This connection is shown in Part IIb. This connection is scientific and is made with logic that allows the coexistence of an infinite God and a finite universe. Logic shows us the simultaneous realities of both the infinite God and His finite universe. Deism and a godless universe must thus be rejected. This connection is made possible with a new kind of atom that physical scientists could not find with physical laws. But, this connection could not have been made without this new atom. The new atom is spiritual and cannot be destroyed by Nature. I discuss these spiritual atoms in Part IV. With these atoms, God and our universe are clearly seen to coexist forever. This connection also shows us that God and the universe have no beginning (or end) as many scientists and religions say.

Accordingly, a system approach to knowing God and the universe is now possible through science and mathematics. It will only be through the physical sciences that God reveals the infrastructure that He created to support all life. And, it will be only through the life sciences that God reveals life of all kinds. But, it will only be through human life the God reveals knowledge of life and its supporting infrastructure. So, this special gift of knowing from God implies that in this system all humans have major responsibilities to God.

In this system approach, God is active. This does not mean that God simply appears in our world as Christ and comes a second time to judge people and places them either into a Heaven or Hell, as some Western religions say. Since human knowledge is incomparable with God’s wisdom, the belief that God judges humans is irrational. God is active in a system approach for two reasons. One reason is that God must be assured continually that human knowledge is growing. If it is not growing, it is necessary that God appears in our world as a teacher. The other reason is that God must move all life to another planet when our sun begins to die and planet earth is attracted by the sun as fuel. A system approach will cause change in the world because all religions all sciences will become one. And, life on planet earth will become very beautiful in the near future.


  • At 9:47 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Respinse to hunny.

    There is no longer question about the existence of God because I prove His existence in my book, The First Scientific Proof of God. My proof of God also proves that God also appears in ofu world.

    By the level of His teachings, I conclude that God appeared in our world as Jesus Christ. I also conclude that God will appear in our world often and forever. Since God and the universe form one world, they exist eternally. This means that God will appear in our world endlessly.

    Our problem is to recognize an appearance of God. We must learn those signs that tell us that God has appeared and is teaching somewhere. I discuse these signs in my book.

  • At 8:18 AM, Blogger Rev. BigDumbChimp said…

    There is no longer question about the existence of God because I prove His existence in my book, The First Scientific Proof of God.

    I see that you are still being a self absorbed second rate book seller and are keeping what would be the greatest sceintific proof ever by forcing people to buy your book.

    Why is it George that I haven't seen any massive amounts of publicity concerning your "discovery"?

    You'd think this was the greatest scientific discovery man has every made, yet you're still some obscure blogger who is trying to hock a book full of his inane ramblings.

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to bigdumbchimp.

    How can someone force a book onto someone else? Did I miss something on the way to the proof you don't like?

    I never sought publicity of any kind. I'll leave that to the money-loving atheists. I am a follower of Plato and Jesus Christ. Thus, I always planned to write only one book, which express my life's findings.
    You do not understand this kind of book. My proof of God is merely the opening shot to the atheists. My book has many proofs.

    Since you do not commnent on any substance in my blogs, I doubt that you can understand my book or my proof of God.

    If you want to make useful comments, clean them up or expect them to be deleted. The USA is in serious trouble today and your kind of nonsense is not needed.

    So, disprove my proof. Proofs are not disproven the way you do.


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