The National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has 27 Institutes and Centers. Click. As seen, the first opening was the National Cancer Institute in 1937. Since the NIH has not been very successful on certain medical problems, two new special Institutes were opened. In 1989, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) was opened to further develop the DNA double helix found by James Watson and Francis Crick. And, in 1999's the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) was opened.. Both seek the answer to medical problems in Nature. The NHGRI seeks the DNA flaws that have occurred as a result of evolution whereas the NCCAM seeks natural medicines in the plants and animals of Nature.
The National Institutes of Health have not been very successful because their common research methodology is the same that physical sciences use. The physical science methodology works with nonliving things in a local area. However, a physical science methodology cannot be used to conduct research on living things or on the universe as a whole. I challenge the methodology used in DNA by NHGRI and the methodology used on plants and animals by NCCAM. I present this challenge because God exists. I prove God’s existence in Chapter 1 of The First Scientific Proof of God. Click. The existence of God changes the way science must view the universe and all things in it. See these different views in yesterday’s blog.
Lots of money has already been wasted by the Institutes. And, more waste will occur if the existence of God is not considered by them. It appears that a created universe can be researched only with set theory, an infinite set of perceiving spiritual atoms, and an infinite set of holistic things. I believe that the failure of the NIH is real and is a problem that must be corrected by Congress. Otherwise, more generations must pass before US medical care improves. The side effects of today's medicines is a sign of NIH's failure. NIH's assumption that living things are formed of mechanisms and that mind and brain is an identity are wrong. Since we now know God scientifically, now is the time for all governmental research units to shift their research methodology.
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